Chapter 3

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Picture of crash!

"Crash" silence. "Crash wakey wakey" a masculine voice whispers effortlessly into my ear. Slowly I will myself to open my eyes one at a time and am greeted with the face of a certain reptile. Jumping out of the bed I yell "What the fuck.fuck fuck fuck.". He stands there stupidley grinning widely lizard hanging off his hand.

"Dude chill out, it's a lizard not a dragon. " he chuckles lightly walking toward the door petting Molly. Yeah Molly what a great name for a lizard.

I mutter to myself angry and annoyed at the abrupt wake up call discreetly flipping him the bird as he walks out. "Stupid."

Feeling the morning sun finally hit me, I lazily make my bed as I allow my body to fully wake up.

"Hey Uhm this dude called in, something about a job and getting fired. Not really sure " he yells nonchalantly from the next room.

I quickly feel my body jolt awake as I realize what he was talking about. "Shit" I say more to myself as I quickly run to the bathroom to fix myself.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier idiot?" I yell as I attempt to relieve the mess of curls I call hair. I glance at the clock on the wall and it reads 9. I mumble profanities to myself annoyed that I was already fucking up.

Ant walks in and stands behind me looking at himself through the tiny bathroom mirror, wearing the same stupid smile. His hair was lazily tousled and he was sporting a pair of geeky glasses that made his hazel eyes seem even brighter than usual. He was an attractive fella I can't deny that. He had this whole hipster jock druggie look down to a t.

" I was mad at you for kissing me again, when I told you not to unless you really are. So I thought, why bother waking the little prick up anyways." he says reaching for the pot of gel on the counter. He slowly works the product through his hair and I can't help but feel a bit jealous. Why can't I have manageable hair? His gaze lands on me breaking me out of my trance.

"Ugh. Well I'm not. I was just drunk and high so..." I say giving up on my hair and rushing out of the bathroom- Not really in the mood for that whole conversation right now. Plus I really was completely out of it yesterday, so can you even blame me? Slipping on my coat and chucks I dash out the door in a hurry to leave.

It suddenly occurs to me Ophelia's absence. Nah I won't dwell on it. She's probably with some other guys. Quickly exiting the building I break into a jog towards the cafe feeling my lungs quench tightly.

Smoking really catches up to you.

As I start to arrive at the cafe I realize the oddly lonely atmosphere it gave off. The lights were dim and the bustle of people seems to have never existed.

Pushing the door open i hear the door creak cutting the eery silence. "Hello" I say in a quiet whisper not aware of how small my voice was.

"Hello" I try again louder gaining confidence.

I suddenly hear movement from behind the dark counter as a head of disheveled hair rises from the ground. I watch him stand up and flick the small lamp on. Instantly light floods the small cafe and a sense of relief washes over me. This was more like the cute little place I saw yesterday.

"You're late kid." He says obviously irritated.

"Yeah I'm sorry" not even bothering to offer him an explanation. Who was he to call me kid. He looked just the same age a years difference give or take .

"Lucky for you, it's a Sunday. So we're not open. But you better be on time Monday. Don't let me regret giving you a chance kid. I wasn't born yesterday, I know you are probably a high school dropout , and by the way you carry yourself, you probably spend your free time doing things you shouldn't. But I need the extra hand, so I'm going to pretend like you're late because you were helping an old lady carry her groceries" He says in a condescending tone. I look at him confused at his sudden outburst, not sure why he was so angry. For gods sake the cafe wasn't even open and he was doing who knows what behind that counter, so why was he such a rude bastard? Biting my tongue knowing what he said was partially true I mumble a quiet sorry, not sorry at all.

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