Chapter 8

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We both stood together at my old doorstep, neither of us sure of what would come of this. He reaches out and knocks on the door hesitantly, as I move behind him instinctively wanting to create a barrier between me and whatever was on the other side of that door. Seconds pass and I quickly grow impatient, not liking the burning sensation that started at the pit of my stomach. Was this what it felt like to be nervous? Jesus Christ. This is the worse than getting kicked by a horse. At least that's what it feels like in this moment.

Suddenly the door swings open revealing Anthony's less than pleased face. At first he doesn't notice me and just stares dead on at Louis with a irritated look plastered onto his features.

"hello" Louis says trying his best to sound diplomatic, but I knew he had an itching desire to connect his fist with Anthony's face. On the way to the apartment I may or may not have of told him the latter half of the story, keeping out the parts about Hayden, so you can only imagine the kind of guy I painted Anthony out to be. It was completely selfish because I truly just wanted Louis on my side, knowing he was the last person I had.

Louis steps aside to reveal my cowardly self, instantly feeling naked as Anthony averts his attention to me. He was staring so intently at me I couldn't bear to even look his way, deciding it was safer to just look at my feet.

"Louis, why did you bring this b*tch here." Anthony says in a way that sends chills down my spine , and definitely not the good ones. He wasn't much of a cusser, that was more my job.

"You're one to talk. You ain't no saint son. We're just here to get his stuff, no need to be a knob." Louis says defensively, turning on his macho man voice to sound intimidating. Not going to lie, kind of working. And also kind of turning me on.

Oh god. Crash come on not the time. Little crash please control yourself this once.

"Great. I can finally have the flat to myself." Anthony says deciding not to respond to Louis accusations. Wait a second, what does he mean "have the flat to himself"? Where's O?

"Where is she." I say mustering up the courage to speak just slightly louder than a mouse. When he doesn't respond I am forced to look at him, and notice his completely disgruntled state. Eye bags, bedhead, and sweat pants on. Even in his state he couldn't look bad for the life of him. But when my eyes meet his he quickly looks away, as if he was just as scared to look at me.

He steps aside for us to go in, slapping on a blank face - completely ignoring my question. Louis walks in ahead of me, letting out a grunt as he walks past Anthony. I slowly follow behind him, looking around the apartment curiously. A sudden sense of nostalgia hits me as a wave of good memories comes rushing back, followed by the not so good ones. This place was one hell of a home once. Ironically enough it was probably the only stable place I ever called a 'home'. I hear the door close behind me as the apartment is instantly painted black. Anthony flicks on a lamp as he walks toward the hallway, leaving me and Louis to stand around awkwardly trying not to disturb the natural messiness of the place. There was empty bottles laying around, clothes hanging over every surface, and curtains sealed tightly shut forbidding the slightest bit of light into the room. Now this was depressing. I thought it was only me who felt like shit, but I guess terrible is a feeling mutually felt.

I hear Anthony's returning footsteps as he reappears with a box and a duffel bag setting the stuff on the ground before me.

"All you're shit." He says coldly turning away from me to walk to the kitchen. Me and Louis both share a look unsure of what we were supposed to do next. I kneel down to pick up my stuff when I notice a paper stuck underneath the box. Pulling it out my eyes scan over the paper instantly realizing what it was. It was an eviction notice. We missed rent by a couple weeks, and I guess with the whole situation, Anthony forgot to pay it. Or he couldn't. He didn't have a job, and with O presumably gone, so was the money she got doing her 'side jobs'. He didn't have a job, of course this would happen.

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