Chapter 1

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I push the door open in a hurry triggering a bell to ring obnoxiously welcoming my presence. I feel curious eyes land on me, as my own go wide. Scanning the room I see people scattered throughout the tiny area sharing loud talk , lounging on sofas so closely knit it was hard to tell the groups apart.

"Are you staying or leaving?" A voice from behind me forces me to turn to the intrusive stranger. A guy looks back at me with an eye brow raised waiting for my response.

"Excuse me?" I say rudely frowning at the figure. Who was this guy, and why was he asking me about my decision to leave or go? How would he know I was contemplating leaving O and Ant? How dare he -

"Uhm do you want a seat or are you taking away?" The guy asks still wearing a confused look.

"Oh" I say relief washing over me. I ball up my fists feeling stupid at how easily I jumped to conclusions. Giving the guy a quick once over I notice that he is just a bit shorter than me with dirty blonde hair and warm green eyes. they reminded me a lot of Ant's. Warm and mysterious.

"Dude sorry I don't have all day" the green eyed boy says obviously irritated by my lack of speech.

Shaking my head I respond lamely with a "I'll take away" when I really wanted to stay and watch those beautiful emerald eyes. But no, this was already too weird.

He shoots me a weary glance and gestures to the cluttered little counter in the corner. I slowly make my way over there careful not to bump into anybody along the way. As I reach the counter the guy from before makes his way behind it handing me a tattered menu worn from use.

Looking down at the menu my cheeks start to heat up as I feel his eyes on me, staring intently at the top of my head. Unable to get my self to concentrate on reading I stupidly point at a random thing on the menu and order handing it back to him not daring to look up.

"Alright that'll be 6.50" he says as I hear the cashier click. Nodding I reach into my coat jacket and pull out my wallet taking out a seven handing it to him shyly. He takes the money quickly and gives me my change as I stuff it in my pocket awkwardly.

He pulls out something from underneath the counter and places it in a brown paper bag, handing it to me. I nod curtly and make my way out of the cafe shaking my head at my completely dumbed out state. Just as I reach the door, a sign catches my attention. it reads 'now hiring' in big bold print and instantly my eyes light up.

I have been looking for a job for ages, but have found absolutely nada that would hire a high school dropout. But this place didn't look too choosy. Turning swiftly on my heels I scurry back to the counter watching as the guy was scribbling something on his arm.

"Id like to apply for the job" I say plastering on a fake smile to sell myself. He looks up at me wearing a bored look and nods slowly as he registers.

"I don't know, can you speak to people properly" he asks challenging me with his tone. Under any other circumstance I would've shot back a snarky response, but I needed this job so I kept it under wraps.

"Yes." I say not doing myself much justice.

"Alright you got it, be here 7am tomorrow, you're working minimum wage. " he says returning his attention to his scribbling on his arm. A sloppy smile makes it's way on to my features and I walk out of the cafe elated. Maybe things were finally turning around.

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