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Camille knew she wasn't exactly in the best frame of mind to be leaving her hotel room yet alone driving but here she was on her way to meet Charles as promised after the Grand Prix earlier.

Camille sat in the driver's side of her car as she pulled up on the street lamp light street of Monaco and waited as Charles approached her car and got into the passenger side.

The second he got in she immediately sped off driving away from the city of Monte Carlo and towards the hills.

Charles watched as she quickly moved through the gears as she drove away from the busy city and up a quiet road that lead to the higher parts of the city.

The speedometer of the Audi A7 quickly climbed until it reached its limit of 165 mph as Camille continued to sped through the open roads as she climbed to the highest point over Monte Carlo.

It was no secret that Charles Leclerc was used to high speeds having reached a high of 375km/h while driving in races. But what he wasn't used to was the serious look on Camille's face as she kept her eyes firmly fixed on the road in front of her.

Camille could feel her heart rapidly beating in her chest as she continued to drive. She took the corners tight as she managed to slightly drift around the most recent corner she had just taken.

Today was a day that managed to haunt her for the last 5 years of her life. Every year on this exact same day she alway as felt like this. Like it wasn't fair. Like she could've done something even though she was only 15 years old at the time.

She shifted down a gear as she came around a corner and came across a slow driving car before she quickly returned to 7th gear which was the highest gear her car would go.

She could faintly hear Charles next to her trying to calm her down and get her to slow the car down but it wasn't working. She could hear the sound of his voice but had no idea what he was actually saying.

Camille came to a straight piece of road that lasted about two miles as far as she could see and for a brief moment she slowed her eyes.

She tried to place herself back in time to 5 years ago in her father's F1 car driving for McLaren Racing team. She tried to imagine the various bends and straights of the Monaco GP that she had walked with her father many times in her life.

After a moment she opened her eyes and found she hadn't strayed for her position on the road at all since closing her eyes. She could see the accident replaying in her mind as she began to reach the summit of the hills.

"Cami you need to slow down." Charles told her as he tried to reach the girl next to him who seemed to completely zone out since she picked him up but still managed to drive perfectly. "Cami, come on."

She could heard Charles' voice trying to reach her, pounding through her head as she reached the long stretch of road that overlooked Monte Carlo Harbour from above.

Once she was about 1.5 miles through the straight she jammed her foot on the brake brining the car to a halt as she heard the tires screech due to its sudden stop after the high speed the car had just been at.

Her two hands were placed firmly on the wheel as she felt herself heavily breath as she began very aware of her surroundings and what she had just done in the last few minutes.

She looked over to Charles sitting in the passenger seat next to her and found him already staring at her. She was shocked to find that he looked surprisingly calm.

"My dad has done that over 300 times in his entire F1 career and even after all that experience and even though he had drove that same track nearly 100 times and still all it took was one wrong move to end it all." Camille spoke as she stared the F1 driver sitting next to her straight in the eyes.

"I'm sorry Cami. But you know he wouldn't have had it any other way. He lived and breathed Formula one and you can honestly rest happily knowing he died doing something he loved." Charles explained as he reached across to the steering wheel and took her hand which was closest to him in his.

Charles knew what it felt like to lose someone through the sport of Formula One and therefor could relate to what Camille was feel as he felt the same thing every time he attended the Japanese Grand Prix where his godfather, Jules Bianchi, had lost his life months after a racing accident which lead to an induced coma for 9 months.

"I know what you're going through Cami. But you need to know that you're never gonna be alone. And I know it's easy for me to say that but it's true. You have an amazing family, great friends from home and in the formula one boys. And you have me." Charles promised the brown haired girl next to him as he gently rubbed his thumb across her hand.

"Thank you Charles." She spoke with a smile on her face even though she felt completely broken as a tear managed to escape her eye and roll down her cheek.

" She spoke with a smile on her face even though she felt completely broken as a tear managed to escape her eye and roll down her cheek

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