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"Mate, for someone who drives in Formula One car at 330kph early every weekend, I've never seen you so nervous." Pierre laughed as the pair of best friend walked through the Paddock of the Red Bull Ring.

It was a week later from Camille and Charles's date in France and Charles had spent the week trying to figure out how he could ask Camille to officially be his girlfriend. He wanted her to come away with him, the boys and some of their girlfriends and he wanted her to be his girlfriend before that, but obviously only if she agreed.

"I'm am nervous. What if she says no? Or what if she doesn't turn up or what if this whole time she's had a secret boyfriend and was just string me along for the last few months and when I asked her to be my girlfriend her boyfriend will show up and beat the crap out of me." Charles ranted on as he continued to walk but when he turned to his left waiting on Pierre's reply he realised that the French driver wasn't next to him any more. "What are you doing?"

"Charles, will you ever shut up and relax." Pierre replied as he got over his best friends rant. "Everything you just said made no sense. Firstly, Camille isn't gonna say no. Secondly, there is no way she'd stand you up. And thirdly, I worry about what goes through your mind."

"Sorry. I'm just scared. I've never liked a girl this much before and that scares me because I know if she says no I could lose her friendship too." Charles explained as he shoved his hands into the jacket of his Ferrari jacket.

"I know you're scared. And it's easy for me to tell you not to be. But honestly Charles, I'm sure she's been waiting for this for as long as you have." The Red Bull driver assured his best friend as they arrived outside Ferrari's motor home. He looked up before turning back to Charles. "Now go get her."

Pierre pushed his friend towards the door before looking up, smiling and waving towards the roof. He realised that Camille must have been on the roof top lounge area of the motor home.

Charles turned and waved goodbye to his friend as he waited for the door to open. Once they did Pierre headed for his own motor home a few feet away.

The young Monégasque made his way up the stairs until he reached the roof top where he found Camille in conversation with Sebastian's wife, Hannah, as she sat with the couple's youngest daughter in her lap while his oldest was colouring at the table next to Hannah.

Charles smiled at the scene as he watched Camille brush her hand across the young girl's hair causing her eyes to become heavy as she started falling asleep.

"Hello." Charles greeted the pair of women as he walked towards them.

"Hey." Camille smiled at the driver in reply.

"Hello Charles." Hannah spoke as she turned around to her husband's teammate behind her.

Charles took a seat on the couch next to Camille and pulled out his phone as the two women continued their conversation that they had been having prior to his arrival.

A few moments passed before Sebastian appeared looking for his wife and daughters. He smiled at the sight of his sleeping daughter in Camille's lap knowing how much the girls had loved having her around especially Hannah.

"Hey guys." Sebastian spoke as he walked towards the group.

"Hi honey." Hannah replied as Seb leant down and placed a kiss on her head.

"You ready for dinner?" Sebastian wondered looking down at the woman in the seat below him.

"Yeh of course." The older woman said as she stood up and turned to oldest daughter. "Let's go sweetie."

"I'll take her." Sebastian smiled as he leant down and picked up the little sleeping girl from Camille's lap. "Thanks Camille."

"No problem." The Brit smiled in reply. They all said goodbye to the pair before Seb and Hannah along with their kids left.

"Has he asked her yet?" Hannah asked her husband quietly as they reached the stepped leading downstairs.

"Not yet. But I'd say before with weekend is over they'll be official." Sebastian replied as he took one last glance over at the pair who were laughing at something on Charles's phone as the Monégasque leant his head on Camille's shoulder having slid down in his seat slightly.


Qualifying was taking place that afternoon and Camille was sat in the back of the Ferrari garage with Hannah and her two girls who were colouring as they waited for the session to start.

Camille crossed one leg over the other as the green light turned on at the end of the pit lane signalling that the qualifying session had officially started.

The weather was hot in Spielberg causing Camille to rub the sweat of her hands into her bare legs from the shorts she was wearing.

Charles and Sebastian were the first out on the track for Q1 both on Medium Tyres. After putting in some good times and being comfortably P4 and P5, they came back into the pits and got ready for Q2.

Both cars were fitted with a brand new set of red banded soft tyres before being sent back out onto the track for Q2.

"So, you and Charles?" Hannah wondered as she bounced her youngest daughter up and down on her knee.

"What about me and Charles?" Camille asked in reply as she took her eyes away from the screen for a moment as the two Ferrari's pulled out of the garage.

"Oh come on Cami. Everyone can see it. Even the girls think you two are together." Hannah explained as she lifted her daughter to prevent her from slipped off her knee. She placed her on the seat next to her as her legs were getting sweaty from the heat of her daughter.

"I don't know what to say. I love spending time with Charles and everything comes so natural with him. Like nothing ever feels awkward with him." Camille replied as she played with the ring on her finger while she spoke.

"Don't be scared. You should tell him how you feel Camille. I can assure you that there's a 99.9999% chance he feels the same and if he says he doesn't then he is lying because it's clear as day to everyone how you feel about each other." The older woman assured Camille as she placed her hand on the brown haired girl's shoulder.

Without saying another word, Camille returned her gaze to the screen with the thought of Hannah's words running through her mind. She watched as Charles and Sebastian got through to Q3 with a smile on her face.

The thought of her and Charles being together brought butterflies to her stomach. It was something she had thought about before but with a lack of conversation about their feelings for each other, Camille was unsure just exactly how Charles felt.


Sorry for the gap in update. Hopefully they'll become more regular or at least no 6 weeks apart x


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