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Camille adjusted her long brown hair over her shoulder and twisted her finger to reform the curl that had fallen slightly since she had done her hair.

Nerves were building in the Sinclair girl now. Her mind had been occupied while getting ready but now she was finished and all she could think about was the date.

Although she didn't really have much to be nervous about. She and Charles knew each other well and there was never a silent moment between them as their conversation always flowed.

A few moments later a knock came to the door causing her to jump slightly and pulled her from her train of thoughts. Knowing it was Charles, Camille quickly looked in the mirror on her way to the door and once she was sure she looked alright she opened the door.

"Wow." Charles whispered as he noticed the beautiful brunette girl standing in front of him. "You look beautiful."

"Not bad yourself Charles." Camille smiled in reply at the Leclerc boy. "So where are we going?"

Camille stepped out into the hallway and closed her hotel room door behind her before turning back to look at Charles.

"Well I couldn't tell you that or it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" Charles spoke with a smile on her face as the pair started to walk down the hallway towards the elevator.

"I knew you were going to say that. I hate surprises." Camille reminded the Leclerc boy as he hit the elevator call button.

"I know." Charles told her as he held his arm out towards the opening elevator door. "After you."

"Why thank you." Camille laughed slightly at him before stepping into the elevator and followed by Charles.


Dinner was strange but in a good way. It was different from dinners that the pair had before. There was an element of nervous surrounding them both but it was a nice feeling for them both.

"Thank you, Charles." Camille spoke as the pair got into his car that was parked along the street in the city of Spielberg.

"You're welcome." The Ferrari driver smiled in reply. "But I'm not done yet."

"What do you mean?" Camille wondered curiously.

"The night's not over yet. I wanna do one more thing together. Is that okay?" Charles questioned as he started the car and looked over at the girl sitting next to him.

"Take it away." Camille wondered as she laid back into the passenger seat while Charles started to drive away from the restaurant and out of the city again.


The pair had sat in silence for majority of the trip with both of them occasionally sing a few words along with the radio. Camille continued to stare out the window and shook began to realise that she recognised their location.

"Charles." She spoke as she used her hands to push herself up in her seat. "What are we doing here?"

The Sinclair girl looked over at Charles who was smiling as he continued to drive with his eyes never leaving the road.

"Charles. What's going on?" Camille wondered as they drove down a hill, from which you could see the famous Bull at the centre of the RedBull Ring in Salzburg.

"I don't know about you but tonight was stressful for me. I wanted to everything to be perfect for our first date. And as the night went on, the more I thought about how our relationship is already perfect. We get on so well doing what we do, just simply spending time together. So I thought what better way to relax then a driver around here." Charles explained as he got out to quietly open a gate from the back of the circuit away from the Paddock.

"Are you insane? We could get in serious trouble for this." Camille replied as Charles got back into the car and drove inside.

"Live a little Cami." Charles told her as he grabbed her hand in his as he continued to drive. The gesture was simpler but it still managed to give her butterflies.

"I do live. I just don't fancy doing the type of living that could land us both in jail and you without a seat in Formula One. This is trespassing Charles." The brown haired girl explained as Charles drove onto the track.

"Listen." Charles spoke as he put the car into park and turned to look at the Sinclair girl. "You only get one life, Camille. And if I was to lose my seat with Ferrari tomorrow then I'd be grateful for the time I got in the sport, okay? I'd be grateful for ever opportunity I got in karting and racing since I was 7. I'm grateful for my friends, my family, my life, and I'm grateful for you."

Camille smiled as she watched Charles talk. He spoke with his heart, like he did about anything that matter to him, his racing, his friends and family.

"Okay then. Let's go." Camille replied causing the two to relax into their seats and Charles to start drive around the track.

After a couple laps he came to a stop and without saying anything, Charles got out of the car and walked around to the passenger door before opening it.

"What?" Camille wondered in confusion as she looked out at the Ferrari driver.

"Swap seats with me." Charles told her.

"What?" Camille laughed slightly. "Are you insane? You want to drive your car? Your very expensive, team distributed car."

"Come on. Let's go." The Leclerc boy reached in and unbuckled her seatbelt before taking Camille's hand and pulling her out of the car. "Go."

"Charles. This is crazy. I can't drive your car." Camille spoke as she walked around to the driver's side of the car.

"Camille. You drove an Audi A7 around the streets of Monaco. You can do this. Now come on before get caught." Charles said before getting into the passenger seat and watching as Camille eventually got into the driver's seat and started the car after putting on her seatbelt.

Charles talked her through the various turns, straights and chicanes, and watched with a smile as Camille took in every moment of driving, something that gave her a sense of connection with her dad.

After driving for a couple of laps, they stopped by the back entrance where they had entered over half an hour ago. They sat in silence for a few moments before Camille spoke up.

"I'm grateful for you too Charles." Camille spoke with a smile before leaning over and placing a kiss on the Formula One driver's lips. He kissed her back and they could both feel the other smiling into the kiss. It was clear as day that they were meant to be together and it was only a matter of time before it was official.


Sorry for the gap in updates. It's gonna be like this for the foreseeable future as I'm back at school now and things are pretty hectic so I'll be trying to find time to update when I can.


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