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There was a two week break between the Austrian and British Grand Prixs and Charles had finally come up with an idea on how to ask Camille out.

He decided to fly out to see her the Monday of the race week so he could spend a few days with her before the race and finally ask her to be his girlfriend before the summer break at the end of the month.

Charles was packing the day before he was due to fly out to England when his mother and youngest brother, Arthur, arrived to see him.

"Where are you going? I thought you weren't flying out til Thursday morning." Arthur spoke as he walked into his brother's bedroom to find him packing clothes into a suitcase.

"I'm going to see Camille." Charles replied as he went into the adjoining bathroom to grab his toiletries and threw them into a bag.

"Ohhhhh." Arthur teased as he leant against the doorway of Charles' bathroom.

"Arthur. Don't be so mean." Pascale scowled her youngest son. "Are you finally going to do it?"

"Yes. I am." Charles said with a smile as he walked back into his bedroom and put his toiletries bag into his suitcase.

"Going to do what?" Arthur asked in confusion as he looked between his mother and brother.

Charles gave his younger brother a look and Arthur gasped as he realised what they were talking about.

"You're going to ask Camille to be your girlfriend." Arthur spoke as he pointed to the Formula One driver and Charles smiled.

"Well done Arthur." Charles nodded to his younger brother as he zipped up his suitcase and left it next to the door.

"So when we get there you two will be official?" Arthur wondered.

"Only if she says yes." The oldest of the two Leclerc boys present replied.

"Oh Charles, of course she will say yes." Pascale spoke as she pulled her son into a hug. Pascale hasn't seen Charles as happy as when he was with or talk about Camille and she was excited to see them flourish in their relationship.


Charles arrived outside Camille's home late Monday evening and found the place buzzing as if there was a party going on inside.

The Ferrari driver walked to the front door and opened it with ease allowing himself inside. The sound of music and talking could be heard coming from the direction of the kitchen and living room area.

He left his suitcase by the bottom of the staircase and headed towards the source of the music and laughter. He walked into the kitchen and realised how much he stood out in his sweatpants and sweatshirt.

The first person to notice the presence of the Monégasque was Camille's little cousin Lucas who was very found of the driver.

"Charles." Lucas said as he ran towards the Ferrari drive causing Charles to lift him up in his arms.

"Hey buddy." Charles replied with a smile as the little boy wrapped his arms around Charles's neck.

"What are you doing here?" Lucas wondered.

"I'm looking for Cami. Is she here?" Charles asked the cousin of the girl he was planning to make his girlfriend.

"Ah ha." Lucas nodded in reply.

"And are you going to tell me where?" Charles laughed slightly at the little boy's lack of detail.

"Out there." Lucas pointed to the outside patio area of the Sinclair house.

"Thanks buddy." Charles spoke as he placed a kiss on the little boy's check before putting him down.

Charles walked towards the doors on the far side of the kitchen that led to the patio area. It seemed pretty empty even though it was clearly set up for the party with lights hanging and heaters placed around the garden.

Charles noticed the brown haired girl first and could see a bored look on her face. She was dressed in a mid length black dress with white dots and brown sandals.

He then noticed the boy sitting next to her with his arm thrown across the back of the seat in an attempt to touch her.

The Monégasque could feel a sense of anger and jealousy arise in him. He was jealous of another guy being so close and alone with Camille and angry at the fact she clearly looked uncomfortable and the boy made no attempt to back off.

He watched as she nodded along to whatever he was saying as she turned her head around towards the door hoping someone would realise she was gone and come to rescue her.

A huge smile grew on her face as she saw the face of the Ferrari driver standing by the door leading to the kitchen. She immediately jumped off her seat and ran towards him, launching herself into his arms and Charles automatically caught her, spinning the Sinclair girl around.

"What are you doing here?" Camille wondered as she was gently placed back on the ground and Charles left his hands on her waist as she held onto his arms.

"Well I was flying out Thursday for the race weekend anyway so I thought I'd fly out a couple days early to see you." Charles explained with a smile clearly leaving out the part where he planned to as her to be his girlfriend.

"Ah this is such a surprise." Camille told him, very excited for one that he was here to see he and second that he had just recused her from the most awkward conversation she ever had.

"A good surprise?" The Monégasque asked with a hopeful look on his face.

"The best surprise." Camille assured him as she pulled him into another hug. He held her tightly as the familiar smell of her perfume filled his nose as her hair gently tickled his nose.

"Eh excuse me?" The pair turned around the sound of the voice from behind them.

"Yeh?" Camille asked already fed up with listening to the boy talk. He was the son of one of her mother's friends from work and had followed Camille outside when she went searching for fresh air and a break from the party.

"Who's this?" The boy wondered pointing at Charles, who still had his arm wrapped around Camille's waist from their last hug.

Camille tried to laugh quietly as she buried her face into Charles's chest in an attempt to muffle her laugh but it didn't work.

"Sorry?" Charles replied looking at the stranger.

"I said who are you?" The boy repeated as Camille stop laughing.

"None of your business." Camille told him before grabbing Charles's hand and taking him back inside the house.

"Wow. You're rude." Charles joked with the Sinclair girl as he laughed while they walked into the kitchen.

"And he's a jerk who I just spent 30 minutes with and I don't remember one word he said." Camille told him and Charles smiled glad she didn't enjoy the boy's company. "Now come on, let's go see everyone."


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