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Camille returned home from visiting her father's grave on a warm sunny Friday afternoon in Cambridge to find a few cars parked outside her family home.

With a confused look on her face, she made her way inside to find out the reason behind the visitors.

She opened the front door and was immediately met with the buzz of conversation and laughter from the direction of the kitchen. The brunette closed the door behind her and made her way into the kitchen to find her family.

Her mother and Sarah were stood around the kitchen island preparing salad while her grandmother, her father's mother, was stood over the stove top cooking something that smelled delicious.

Her father oldest younger brother, Jake who is Lucas's dad, was sat at the kitchen table along with her grandfather talking away.

Her mother noticed her as she entered the room and dropped the knife in her hand before making her way around to her.

"Hello dear." Laura spoke as she hugged her only daughter.

"Hi. What's going on here?" Camille wondered as she nodded to the busy kitchen.

"Family dinner." Laura replied with a smile on her face as she grabbed cutlery from the counter top and walked towards the table.

"She seems happy." Camille said quietly to her aunt as she made her way across to her.

"She is." Sarah agreed as she watched her sister in law interact with the two men around the table as she set up the cutlery on the table.

"Wow." The brown haired girl spoke as she noticed the beautiful flowers located in a vase in the middle of the island. "Where'd the flowers come from?"

No one answered her causing the young woman to look around at her aunt and grandmother who both had huge smiles on their faces.

"What? What are you two smiling about?" Camille asked feeling left out on whatever information they were clearly both aware of.

The sound of the patio doors opening prevented Camille from questioning the two women any further. But her question was quickly answered as she watched who walked through the door.

Her father's youngest brother, James, was holding Lucas in his arms as he spoke to the person next to him. That person happened to be Charles.

"Charles?" Camille spoke with surprise in her voice as she watched the formula one driver enter the kitchen. She soon realised why her aunt and grandmother had been smiling.

"Hi Camille." Charles replied as he walked towards the brown haired girl and gave her a hug, place a small kiss on her cheek.

"It's Charles Leclerc." Lucas said as he pulled on his cousin's leg after being set down by James.

"I know." Camille told him with a smile on her face as she picked the little boy up. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." Charles answered quietly causing the Sinclair girl's smile to grown even wider.

"Dinner's ready." Camille's grandmother announced as she placed the pot in the centre of the table for everyone to eat.

"You staying for dinner?" The brown haired girl wondered as Sarah took her son from Camille's arm to get him ready for dinner.

"I'm here for the weekend, if you'll have me that is?" The Ferrari driver replied with a hopeful look on his face.

"Of course. Come on." Camille replied as she slyly took his hand and guided him towards two seats next to each other before everyone tucked in to dinner.


Camille wrapped a blank around her bare shoulders as herself and Charles walked through the back garden in a peaceful silence. Brunch has gone well and Camille's family had left about an hour ago and now the sun was setting over Cambridge.

"Thanks for today, you and James seem to get on really well." Camille commented as they pair strolled along towards the sitting area.

"Yes he's nice. All of your family are." Charles replied with a smile on his face.

"Thanks, they seem to like you too." Camille assured him as she reflected his smile.

"You and your mum friends again?" The Ferrari driver wondered as they took a seat on two chairs that surrounded a fire pit in the garden.

"Yeh. She was in a really good mood when I came home today, but I assume that has something to do you with being here. She really seems to like you, a lot." The blonde haired girl explained as she tucked her knees to her chest and wrapped the blanket tightly around her body.

"I'm glad, you only get one family and that one seems to really love you." Charles told her which caused her to smile. Charles had only met her family today but they were already quiet close. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." The Sinclair girl replied, curious as to what Charles was about to ask her.

"During the summer break myself and a few of the boys are going on holiday and I was wondering if you would like to come? If you don't want to you don't have to. There will be other girls like Carmen, Lily and-." The formula one driver rambled on causing Camille to place her finger on his lip.

"Charles, breath." Camille spoke with a laugh. She had never seen someone speak so many words without taking a break. "I'd love to come."

"Really? Charles asked with a surprised look on his face.

"Of course. Sounds like fun." Camille said with a smile on her face, she was excited to spend time with Charles and the others in a relaxed environment.

Fast Life // Charles LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now