Chapter 5- Safehouse

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By the time they reached the compound, it was dark and the streets were quiet. It shouldn't have taken them as long as it did, but they were stopped numerous times by Hydra Angents trying to shoot them down. However, when they got to the compound, they realised that no one had attacked them for a good hour or so, which raised both of their suspicions.

"Looks nice doesn't it?" Sam said, trying to start start conversation while they waited.
"Mmh..." Bucky mumbled, "at least it isn't still blown into pieces."
Since last year's attack from Thanos, Pepper Potts had been tirelessly working to get the compound back into shape as she believed thats what Tony would've wanted, and she'd done a good job of it too.

After a while, the gates opened and a voice came from a small speaker on a brick column nearby:
"You two need to be careful. Get inside quickly."
They looked at eachother confused but hurried in as the voice instructed.

"You've made quite a name for yourselves for two people who were supposed to be laying low." A man said as they entered.
Rhodey approached them and looked at them dissaporovingly but worried.
"I don't know what you saw but-" Sam started.
"It wasn't your fault, I gathered," Rhodey said, turning on the TV, "but there are a lot of people who would say otherwise."
Rhodey directed their attention to the TV which was showing a news report showcasing the fight that went down on the roof earlier thst day. From that angle it really did look like they were shooting down innocent people... the weapons the 'civilians' had seemed non-existent and Bucky and Sam looked like right dicks.

"Shit... this isn't good..." Bucky muttered.
"Damn right." Rhodey said.
"Well," Bucky turned to Sam, "maybe if we took a taxi instead of flying this wouldn't have happened!"
"We still would've been shot at!"
"Yes but witnesses would be able to confirm they we're Hydra and not civilians!"
"Hey!" Rhodey yelled, "You're both to blame for this, and becuase of it, we're going to have to clean up your mess!"
"Well if it's our fault -which it isn't, it's Sams- surely we should make ammends?" Bucky said.
"No. You'll make it worse. Besides, you can't even work together."
Sam went to argue, but Bucky intervined.
"So what will we do?"
"We have a safehouse. You'll both stay there until this is over."
"A safehouse?" Sam said, "as in singular? Just one?"
"Yes. Will that be a problem?"
"Yes!" They both said simultaneously.
"Well you're grown men, deal with it."

Rhodey walked out the room and told them they have a few minutes to prepare before they left.

They stood in bitter silence until Rhodey called them through and filled them in on the protocols:
No leaving the designated area until further notice
No killing eachother
If you run out of food, grow your own
No leaving the house past 9pm

They got onto the ship and flew the whole way in silence. The settings had been altered so the jet was invisible- something Tony had installed the technology not long before he died- so they wouldn't risk being seen by Hydra.

When they got there, still neither of them spoke as they unloaded the stuff Rhodey had packed for them.

"You'll have to grow your own food once what's in the refrigerator has run out," Rhodey said, "and you are completely untraceable here so you won't be disturbed."
"Thanks..." They both mumbled as they trudged into the house.

The house was in the middle of a large field which was in the middle of nowhere, and neither of them knew where they were. This was for the best as they wouldn't know where they could go, so neither of them could leave.

Once they'd settled in, Bucky left the house and sat outside under a tree watching the sun set. A lot had happened in the past few days, and Bucky needed some time to process it. He was still mad at Sam for flying, but he knew it wasn't entirely his fault, though he wasn't ready to admit it.

"Hey," Sam said approaching him, "I just wanna apologise... flying wasn't the best of ideas and we probably should've taken a taxi"
Bucky knew that it had taken Sam a lot to admit he was wrong, so instead of taking the piss, he nodded gratefully, patting the grass next to him signalling for Sam to sit. He did.
"Yeah... it was stupid, but I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."
Sam looked a bit shocked, he wasn't expecting Bucky to apologise too.

They both sat there in a comfortable silence watching the sun set in front of them. After the sun had gone down, Bucky went to get up, but noticed Sam was asleep on his shoulder. He hadn't felt it as he was lying on his metal arm and Bucky wondered how on Earth he was comfortable.
Instead of waking him, Bucky waited to see if he would wake up. He checked his watch and saw the time 8:55pm. They had to be inside in 5 minutes. Gently, Bucky prodded Sam in the side, but he didn't wake up.
Bucky slowly lifted Sam's head off his shoulder and scooped him up, carrying him back into into house and placed him on the sofa. A few days ago, Bucky would've just dropped him on purpose just for the sake of it, but there was something between them now and Bucky didn't want to ruin that.

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