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Bucky and Sam had been together for a good few months now; they had their own flat now, courtesy of Pepper Potts, but only really lived there on weekends. This was due to the fact that a mission would pop up every other day and it was easier for them to remain in the compound, however Sam and Bucky had managed to coin the weekend as their days off. They would stay in Sam's town with Sarah and the family, but it was somy too far to travel every week, however they would visit avert month or so.

It was a cool Friday evening, and the couple were flying home. Sam was holding Bucky close, taking in his scent.
"Still hate flying?" He asked.
"Not when you actually hold me," Buck said, "becuse if you drop me, I will kill you."
"If you survive the drop. Besides, you would never kill me, you love me too much."
"Watch it or you'll be sleeping on the sofa."
"Okay okay," Sam chuckled.

If it weren't for the warmth of Bucky, Sam would've been freezing flying though the city at night, and was glad Bucky was comfortable being held so close to his chest.

They arrived home a bit later than usual; Sam had decided to take a detour so Bucky could admire the city from above at night. It was beautiful and he wanted to share it with him.

"Do I get the honors of a bed?" Sam chuckled.
"Put me down without dropping me and we'll see," Bucky joked.
Sam placed Bucky on the ground, watching him fumble for the keys.
"Need a hand?"
"No... I got this..."
Bucky managed to unlock the door and they both made their way in.

"You want me to cook?" Bucky made his way over to the kitchen.
"Last time you did that, you made meal on the floor." Sam smiled and followed him.
"I got this."
"Think you'll need adult supervision."
"You just want an excuse to admire me." Bucky chuckled, getting ingredients out of the fridge.
"No, I just don't want a Great Fire of Manhattan."
"The people have seen worse." Bucky smiled, though there was a slight sadness in his eyes.
"You alright?"
"Yeah," he lied.

Bucky made dinner under the supervision of Sam, and luckily didn't set the city on fire. They sat and ate, joking between themselves, but Bucky seemed a bit more distant than usual. Noticing this, Sam offered to wash the dishes and let Bucky go about his business.

"Hey man, you alright?" Sam asked, walking into the bedroom.
Bucky was lying on his back facing the ceiling, lost in thought.
"Mmh," he replied.
Sam sat next to him, "What's on your mind?"
"Well..." Bucky sat up, "it'll sound stupid, but all the things the people in this city have been through... I joked about it earlier, but looking back on it, they've been through so much and we've barely done anything to help.."
"We've saved them on numerous occasions, but I think I get what you mean," Sam said, putting an arm round Bucky.
"People have died, Sam. They've suffered... all becuase we've made jobs messier than they should be... I get that we needed to save them, but we've also killed and done nothing for the families..."
"You're right..." Sam pulled Bucky close to his chest, "but maybe its not to late to do something..."
"What'd you mean?"
"Well... you said that we haven't done anything for the families, right?"
"Yeah..." Bucky knew where this was going.
"Well we could do something. We could give them support, we could give them closure, we could do what we can."
"I like the sound of that," Bucky pushed Sam gently, so he lay down and rested his head on Sam's chest, "it's the least we can do."
"We'll start tomorrow then," Sam ran his fingers through Bucky's hair.

/ / / / / / / / / /

And they did. Their days off turned into days helping those who had been negatively affected by the Avengers and the numerous attacks on the city. At first they only helped Manhattan, but as they got a few more Avengers on board, they managed to go global. The pair made sure they helped as many people as they could, not only by saving the world, but by helping individuals too.

Bucky helped people get the therapy they needed after the trauma of the attacks, he also made personal visits to those he'd affected as the Winter Soldier to make ammends for what he'd done and hopefully get closure for him and the victims' relatives.

Sam offered financial support and helped get people who's homes had been destroyed off the streets and into new homes (with the help of Pepper Potts; she felt Tony would've been glad to see his money go towards a good cause).

Bruce and Scott worked on some defences for different countries (with the help of Hank Pym and Hope van Dyne) to help protect them from future threats.

Rhodey helped with the military in certain counties to prepare them for alien based attacks with the assistance of Sam (when he wasn't helping the homeless).

Despite how busy the pair were with saving the world and helping the people, they always managed to make time for each other.

When they had time, Sam would teach Bucky how to cook and Bucky would give Sam book recommendations to get him back into reading (and yes, he made sure Sam read the Hobbit although Sam insisted the films were enough, Bucky still ensured he read them).

They were both finally happy. They'd found each other and never wanted to let the other go; they had no reason to and weren't intending on doing so.

After a few months, they adopted a cat and called it Alpine. Sam wasn't so fond of it, but put up with it because Bucky had out up with Redwing for so long and actually requested him to be fixed, so allowing Alpine was the least he could do.
However, Sam did get a touch jealous when the cat got more attention from Bucky for a while; Bucky noticed this very quickly.

"You alright, Sam?" Bucky kissed Alpine on the nose and walked over to Sam.
"Yeah... fine..." he glared at the cat.
"You jealous of a cat?"
"What? No..."
"You sure?" Bucky stepped closer and kissed his nose, "you want more affection than Alpine?"
Bucky kissed Sam's neck up and down until Sam stumbled back onto the sofa giggling.

/ / / / / / / / / / /

Sam finally accepted Alpine, and ended up spending a lot of time with him.

The three were insperable, but when the time came to save the world, Bucky and Sam did the job well and ensured everyone who didn't need to be hurt were safe and if they got involved in the crossfire, they made sure they were treated properly.

This was a very long chapter lmao, I just felt like this needed something big to finish it off :)
I might write some one shots, but I'm thinking of writing a different book/ fic (still taking suggestions :) ).

Hope u enjoyed this and tysm for all the support :)

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