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You trudged through the leaves, picking up stones as you made your way through the woods. The sun shone through the trees and heated your face. There was a nice breeze blowing around you. It was peaceful and you were alone, just the way you liked it.

Your arms were full of rocks different shapes and sizes by the time you heard the familiar trickle of water from the stream. Peeking your head through the branches, you noticed something different.

There was a blonde boy reading a book sitting in front of a tree on the other side of the creek. This was the first time you'd seen anyone in a spot of the woods you thought was a secret.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Who are you?" you asked boldly.

The boy looked startled as he looked up from his book. "I'm reading. What are you doing here?"

You scrunched up your nose in obvious annoyance. "I'm building a rock bridge. This is my creek. Who are you?"

The boy looked nervous. "My name is Armin. I live over there." He pointed somewhere behind him. "I didn't know this was your creek. I just wanted a good place to read."

You relaxed your shoulders, carefully setting down your pile of rocks. Any anger you carried rolled off of you in an instant. "You can stay as long as you help me with my bridge."

Armin smiled and put his book down. He stepped over the steady stream of water and kneeled down next to your rock pile.

"I'm Y/n. I live near here too," you finally said.

Armin smiled again. "It's nice to meet you."

You two followed the same routine for the rest of that summer. Every day you would come to the creek with more rocks and Armin would be found again this tree with a new book.

He'd often tell you all about his books while helping you build the bridge and you listened intently, making sure not to interrupt him.

He told you all sorts of things. His mom was a mechanic, his dad worked at an aquarium. He showed a passionate interest in marine biology. His favorite movie was Homeward Bound even though it made him cry. You figured out you were both going into sixth grade at the same school, luckily enough.

He even told you about the two kids that moved in next door to him. Their names were Eren and Mikasa and they were going to Shiganshina Middle as well. He said he'd make sure to introduce you.

Eventually, the last day of summer came along and your bridge was finished. It wasn't the most sturdy thing in the world but that didn't stop you both from being very proud of it.

You wiped your hands on your shorts and turned to the boy next to you. "Thank you for helping me, Armin. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you."

He looked back and gave you a simple smile. "You're welcome. I'll see you at school tomorrow."


word count: 514

first chapter! hope you enjoyed!
yes armin has brown eyes, i'm using his manga color scheme in this fic.

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