ch7 - bluffing

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As November came to a close, so did any trace of warmth in Paradis. Although it hadn't snowed yet, it would soon. No snow on the ground yet the small town of Paradis was already starting to suffer from the effects of winter on only the first of December.

You pulled your puffy jacket closer to your body and swiped your scarf back over your shoulder. You hated winter, for the most part. The only thing you enjoyed about it was seeing the snow outside your window where you didn't have to make contact with it.

Your friend, Mikasa, however, loved winter. She loved the cold. Probably because it gave her an excuse to wear the red scarf Eren gave to her when the Jaegers adopted her.

Speaking of Mikasa, you hadn't seen her since algebra the day before. Jean informed you that while you were on your "date", as he called it, he and Armin went over to the Jaegers to help her feel better. Apparently, she left early on Monday because she was sick. You didn't even realize she was absent from lunch as you were in the middle of getting angry at Eren.

The walk from your car to the school was not your favorite part of the day. The student parking lot was two times farther away from the building than the teachers' lot. It got on your nerves, especially during the winter.

"Good morning, star shine!" You heard Jean's loud voice behind you and felt his strong arm wrap around your shoulders. You stumbled forward upon impact.

"The earth says 'Hello'!" Eren walked backward in front of the two of you, displaying jazz hands and an over-exaggerated grin. He turned around and fell into step with you and Jean.

"What a greeting," you remarked. You stared and gestured at Eren's burnt-looking shoes for a few seconds before remembering to use your words. "What the hell is up with your shoelaces?"

"I stepped in a fire," Eren said nonchalantly. You nodded along until it registered what he said to you.

Jean noticed your confusion and decided to provide context. "While Armin and I were paying the Jaegers a visit last night and you were on your date, Eren stepped in the fire we had going like an idiot. These are the only shoes he owns so he's still wearing them."

"Eren, you ever tried walking where there isn't something that can severely burn you?"

"Haha. So funny, Y/n." He stuck his tongue out at you. "To be honest, as much as I hate him, Jean was the only fun person there. You weren't there so I couldn't bully you. Armin was acting all pouty and Mikasa was sick so she was no good. It didn't help that she turned all sour once she found out where you were."

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