ch4 - infiltrating marley: part 1

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"All right again," you said to Armin as you tucked the set of flashcards into a side pocket on your backpack. "I think you're gonna get an A."

Armin fiddled with his pencil and raised his warm eyes to yours with a smile. There were a few others in the mostly empty history classroom since class wouldn't start for a little bit.

You and Armin were doing a quick review of the material once more to get an extra refresher right before the test.

Professor Smith's tests were always excruciatingly time-consuming, often taking the entire period to complete. You'd only been a sophomore at Shiganshina high for a little under three months, yet you were too familiar with his exams.

The door opened and you lifted your head to see who was coming in. An agitated Mikasa followed by Eren, who resembled a sad puppy, entered the classroom and took their respective seats.

You gave Mikasa a questioning look and jutted a thumb towards Eren, who'd taken to slumping over his desk.

She sighed and rubbed her fingers against her temples, signaling that the pouting boy was giving her a headache. "He fell asleep while we were studying last night and now he's gonna flunk. Somehow it's my fault."

"You should've woken me up, Mikasa! You're the worst fake sister ever." Eren shook a fist at the ceiling and buried his head in the sleeve of his hoodie.

"You would've been mad at me regardless!" Mikasa reasoned and as usual, she was right.

"Whatever," he mumbled.

By then, nearly every seat in the class had been filled and Professor Smith was preparing to pass out the tests.

The class quieted as he looked over each student with an icy stare. His eyes gave away his amusement like he knew how many grades were about to be ruined.

You heard Armin gulp beside you. He was always so nervous before exams, though he really shouldn't have been. He was one of the most academically brilliant kids in the school who almost always ended up acing it in the end.

You yourself were also doing quite well academically. Although not on Armin's level, you came in close with Mikasa, except she was much more organized.

A packet sat innocently on each student's desk when you observed the classroom. Your professor sat at his desk by the windows, a smug look gracing his face.

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