ch9 - jean gets some balls

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we hit 700 reads, i forgot to say thanks in my ending author's note, so thanks!!

we hit 700 reads, i forgot to say thanks in my ending author's note, so thanks!!~~~

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"Today is the day!" Jean stressed again. You twirled your pencil between your fingers, bored out of your mind. Bio was a class you had a love-hate relationship with. Your teacher was great but the work. . . not so much. 

"So you've said," you responded to Jean's repeated statement.

"I'm gonna tell him today, Y/n. I swear it." He wore a smile big enough to break his face. Confidence washed over him seemingly out of nowhere. He went from avoiding the topic of Marco to absolutely beaming when the name was mentioned.

"I believe in you, Jean." You looked at Teacher Hange's desk behind you, making sure they were focused on something else as you glanced over at Mikasa's paper.

The girl beside you was paying much better attention. She snatched her paper away and covered her answers.

Frowning, you glanced toward the dreamy stare Jean bore as his head slumped against his palm.

Your frown deepened. You didn't look at Pieck like that.

The class seemed to drown on for hours before photography, which took even longer. Eventually, lunchtime rolled around and your best friend was even more worked up.

"Today is the day!" Jean stated one more time.

"Is it?" Eren said, exasperated. He was already tired of Jean and it hadn't been five minutes since he sat down.

"You go, Jean! I know it's not easy telling people how you feel," Armin said the most he's said in weeks, his mood strangely lifted. Maybe Jean's confidence was giving him some of his own. A more upbeat attitude was needed in a situation like this one, especially on a Monday.

"You would know," Jean said quietly, only loud enough for Armin to hear. The tips of their ears went red hot and they were glad for the blonde tresses that covered them. Recently, Jean had been questioning him incessantly about his bad mood and, believe it or not, his feelings for you.

While you were out with your new Marleyan friends, Jean was over Armin's house, attempting to fix his horrible mood. He had grown sick of Armin's fleeting stares and scowls towards your newfound friends.

Armin denied all claims of jealousy, too prideful to admit his veil of kindness had fallen. He wouldn't submit to Jean's careful prying, but when he brought up the very idea of Armin liking you, he turned crimson.

That was all the information Jean needed. He always suspected something between the two of you since the day you met and he never failed to let you know that. He loved to tease you about it, but Armin always seemed much too reserved for that treatment. They shared a different friendship than the two of you.

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