chapter eighteen

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(Mombie Dearest 1x06)

Lilah knocks softly on the door to the twins' room, holding the two small boxes in her palm. It was officially the sixteenth birthday of Josie and Lizzie Saltzman and she was excited for her younger sisters. Sweet sixteen's were so pivotal, not that Lilah would know. She never got an actual sweet sixteen; for the sake of having to keep her real birthday a secret. Her birthday was actually in February (and it's been long passed up), a few weeks before the twins; but she'd been turning seventeen instead.

"Come in!" Lizzie's voice rings out, the girl sounding ecstatic. Lilah knew the younger blonde was absolutely thrilled for her party, the Saltzman having been talking about it for months now.

Lilah shuffles in with a wide grin, her blue eyes meeting Lizzie's before she glances over at Josie sitting on the edge of her designated bed.

"Happy birthday!" She cheers, moving forward to pull her siblings into a hug whenever Josie stands. She squeezes them tightly before pulling back, holding the small boxes out to each of them. "I got you guys a gift," she says.

Josie smiles fondly and gently takes hers while Lizzie takes a more rushed approach, her cheeks glowing with glee. The twins open them almost simultaneously, the delicate rings with a knot on top of them glinting up at them.

"Oh, wow," Josie marvels. "Thank you so much, Del."

Lizzie takes the ring out and slips it onto her middle finger, modeling it for her bigger sister. "It's so pretty. What's the little knot on top for?"

"Well," Lilah wiggles her finger and shows her sisters that she has one as well. "I, uh, I put a binding spell on all of them. So if we ever get lost, we can find each other."

Josie's eyes soften even more if possible and she pulls Lilah into another hug, putting the ring on her finger silently. Lizzie follows the brunette's action and pulls the older Saltzman into a hug too, letting herself rest in her sisters arms a bit longer.

"I'm glad you guys like them," she says softly. "Are you guys excited for your party?"

Lizzie hums, "isn't it a beautiful day for a party?"

Josie studies the blonde, "you're cheerful."

"Why wouldn't I be?" Lizzie grabs Josie and Lilah's hands, squeezing each of them happily. "Mom's coming home, I had sex with Raf, my pores are practically invisible—"

Lilah chokes on a gasp while Josie's eyes widen, the brunette gaping at Lizzie.

"Wait, what?" Josie questions, "you had sex with—?"

"Last night," Lizzie confirms. "You know how Mom always says that things work out in the end the way they're supposed to? She's right. I wouldn't have time to represent the witches now with a boyfriend!" Lizzie moves away from her sisters and picks up two hair pieces from her bed, holding them up side by side and presenting them to the girls. "Okay, I need you guys to help. I'm going for Meghan Markle— tasteful."

Before either sibling can respond, a girl's voice is heard outside the door, the tone belonging to none other than Penelope Park. "Woo, woo!" She cheers, strolling in with cupcakes in hand. She holds one in her right hand and two between her fingers in the other. "Happy birthday, witches!"

Lilah hums happily and takes a cupcake from the girl's hand, flashing her a bright smile.

"Oh, look," Lizzie deadpans. "It's Satan in a crop top. Come to burn my world down?"

"Retro!" Penelope exclaims, nodding toward the barrettes that are now in Lizzie's hair. "Princess Di before she got style! I dig it."

Lizzie rips the barrettes from her hair, glaring at the Park girl. Josie, sighing heavily, folds her arms across her chest while gazing at her ex girlfriend. "What do you want?"

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