chapter five

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(Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea 5.04)

Lilah decided to let this thing— whatever the hell you wanna call it— with Hope fester. Her heart was forgiving— too forgiving, meaning she had missed Hope the minute the girl walked out of the door; not that she'd ever admit that. The Mikaelson hadn't been back from New Orleans long before Lilah went seeking her out, missing the girl's company.

"Hey," she greets as she approaches Hope.

Hope looks at her, surprised. "Hi," she breathes. "I thought you were angry with me."

Lilah hesitates before shrugging, "I understand. Sometimes I'm afraid of what's inside me too."

Hope's eyes soften and she shakes her head, "I'm not afraid of you, Lilah."

Lilah smiles weakly, not believing her. She shuffles closer to the open window, her lips rising into a smirk. "If you jump, you're gonna have to take me with you."

Hope snorts, "I had a day."

Lilah nods, understanding. "Your mom?"

"No sign of her," Hope replies. "According to my aunt, all of the witches in New Orleans think that I'm gonna melt the city if she doesn't come home."

Lilah giggles, "they're way behind." Hope gives her a questioning look and Lilah grins, "I predicted you being the end of the world ages ago."

Hope rolls her eyes, letting the girl poke fun at her.

"Can you even do that?" Lilah asks after sobering up, her eyes eager.

Hope gives her a strange look. "Probably," she tells her. "I don't know, I think I'm just tired of everyone being so scared of me."

The Saltzman gives Hope a sympathetic smile, "I feel like we have a lot more in common than we think."

Hope hums, "now's the part where you're supposed to say that you're not."

Lilah's eyes widen and she crosses her arms. "I was taught not to lie."

Hope chortles, shaking her head.

Someone clears their throat, lingering in the doorway with a sly smile. Lilah flushes under the woman's knowing gaze, clasping her hands in front of her. "Right," she breathes. "Despair, I'll see you when I see you."

Hope shakes her head in disbelief, a small smile gracing her lips. "Goodbye, Lilah."

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