chapter fourteen.

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Lilah sits next to Lizzie with her eyes focused on her fingers, the older Saltzman girl wringing her hands in nervousness. She didn't participate in class much due to the other witches having a disliking of her, but her father stressed how important is was for her to join in. Her head snaps up when Hope strolls in, the Mikaelson's eyes meeting hers.

"Is she gonna sit next to you?" Lizzie nudges Lilah, her voice low.

"I hope not."

Hope, as if she heard the two girls, grins mockingly and sits right next to Lilah. The Saltzman girl shies away from the tribid and leans into her sister, shooting the auburn haired girl a glare.

"Okay everyone, join hands," Dorian tells the teenagers.

Lilah links her hand with Lizzie's but clenches her fist when it comes to Hope trying to lace their fingers together.

"Stop being stubborn," Hope grits out.

Lilah glowers at her and presents the tribid with her hand, her lips forming a pout when Hope roughly laces their fingers together. "You could be a little more gentle," she complains.

Dorian clears his throat and starts moving around the circle, observing all of the witches. "Chain spells are about the fluid movement of energy from witch to witch." He furrows his eyebrows. "Where's Penelope Park?"

Lizzie smirks but plays innocent when she turns to look at Dorian, "Um, lady cramps, Mr. Williams."

Lilah bites back her smile at her sisters petty behavior.

"Sorry I asked," Dorian says, his tone clipped. "A disharmonious group makes for an uneven flow."

"Tell me about it," Lilah comments.

Mr. Williams stills, shaking his head. "Okay—" he cuts himself off when a piece of parchment materializes above their heads and falls into his hands.

"Uh-oh," Josie muses. "Who's in trouble with the headmaster?"

Hope rolls eyes and gives the brunette a dry look, "Probably the people who started a rumble with the local high school."

Lilah blinks, "or maybe the girl who us—" her words die out when Hope slaps a palm over her mouth, the blonde going down with a shriek when Hope lunges at her.

"Be quiet," Hope glares.

Lilah squirms from underneath the girl, her cheeks blossoming red whenever the laughter of her classmates rings through the air.

"Hope!" Dorian chastises. "Get off of her."

Hope sends Lilah one last scathing look before getting off of the blonde, sitting on the floor as if nothing happened.

Lilah sits up and straightens out her dress, keeping her eyes lowered.

Once the girls have settled, Dorian opens the summons. "Lizzie Saltzman, Josie Saltzman—" he turns to where Hope and Lilah are sitting. "He's definitely gonna want you two in there now."

Hope stands abruptly and reaches down for the blonde, wrapping her fingers around her wrist and jerking the girl up. The students watch with wide eyes as the Mikaelson pulls the blonde out of the room, Lilah's protests becoming faint as they exit the room.

"Well," Dorian claps his hands. "Let's continue."


"This makes no sense, Dad," Lizzie grumbles as she and the rest of the girls follow him around the library, watching him collect books off of the shelves. "Why are we being punished?"

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