chapter three

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age 12&13

Lilah sits in front of a wilted sunflower, a frown etched onto her face as she studies it intensely. After a few seconds of thick tension, she sighs heavily and turns away from it, her hands hanging limply at her sides.

"If looks could kill..." a voice from the doorway taunts.

Lilah turns toward Hope's voice, her lips pulling into a dry smile. "If looks could kill, you'd be dead, Hope."

Hope grins, shuffling further into the room and placing the two milkshakes on the table. "There's the psychotic part of you've I've grown accustomed to."

Lilah crosses her arms, giving the older girl a blank stare. "What do you want, Hope?"

The Mikaelson rolls her eyes, pushing the strawberry milkshake across the table. "I brought you this,"

Lilah makes a noise of realization, "that time of the year again."

"Where I'm reminded that I was forced to spend time with you and actually liked it, yes."

Lilah grabs the milkshake and cradles it in between her hands, taking a sip of it.

"You hang around a lot to apparently hate me," Lilah pipes up, giving Hope a smug look.

"You read a lot of spell books to have no magic," Hope shoots back.

"I have magic," Lilah's mood shifts and she glares at the girl. "I can't use it, you know that."

"Just making sure you remembered," Hope taunts her. "Wouldn't want you to snap and kill all of us one day."

"You're one to talk," the Saltzman snarks. "Apparently you're Satan incarnate."

Hope raises her eyebrows, laughing. "Opposed to how scared kids are of you when you walk down the hallway?" Lilah falls silent and the Mikaelson continues, "you hear what they say, don't you? Whispers of the girl who labels herself as a witch but can't do magic. All the talk of the Saltzman triplet that's unloved by her mother."

Lilah clenches her jaw, angry tears making her eyes gloss over. "Better her than my Dad, I guess."

Hope inhales sharply, her eyes challenging Lilah's. "You're a bitch, you know that?"

Lilah laughs sarcastically, "no, I— I wasn't aware, Hope. Thank you for informing me."

Hope grits her teeth, forcing herself to smile at Lilah as students shuffle into the kitchen. "When you're done playing pretend, your Father needs you in his office."

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