Chapter 19 - Erika (Week 14/Thanksgiving)

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"How did you know that was going to happen? There's no way you could've predicted that the Lions would win after losing by three touchdowns in the first three quarters." My family liked to make bets and I actually did research on the teams competing each Thanksgiving, eventually being able to interpret the data in a way that could make it easy to make predictions when I got older.

"Practice. I've been doing this a long time." I shrug, and the pregame for the four thirty game starts, and we all make our predictions. "The Cowboys will be up by a field goal and touchdown, maybe, going into the third quarter, but will end up losing by at least a field goal."

"Okay, and lock my phone. It's going here for safe measures so no one can change it." Jayla says, putting her phone on the table, and we all get our snacks and crowd around one of the many TVs set up in the banquet center to watch the next game. Halfway through, we check our current predictions, and mine was almost to a "T", since they missed the extra point, but it's still the most correct.

Throughout the rest of the game, girls come and go, but Jayla's phone stays in it's spot, even when she leaves to join her family or go see one of the boys, only a few of us staying through the rest of the game, and my prediction was almost correct — the Cowboys ended up 2 points under because of a very uncommon 2-point conversion — whereas the other girls were completely off, all guessing the Cowboys would win.

I'd have to say, Thanksgiving was a blast. We had fun just enjoying the day, eating amazing food, and watching the football games playing on the TVs around the banquet center. Lots of the girls draped themselves on the boys, not even caring that there was a new one every few minutes. Only a few of us — Liana, Lylah, Addilynn, and I — were the only girls that didn't sit near a guy, attempting to throw ourselves on them. I mean, the boys were pretty casual about it, but you could tell they were a bit annoyed. I definitely would be, if I were them.

"And although I pray for you

I know you can't love me back

I might be gone from your life

But I'll always remember your laugh

Just one more kiss

One more touch

And maybe I won't feel alone as much

Please come home

Into my arms

And I won't feel alone as much

One more kiss

One more touch

And I won't feel alone as much" That is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Who was that singing? It sounded similar to Lane's voice, but not the same.

"That was incredible, Hayden," I say, looking into the living room to see the other singer and pianist of the band, surprised he is writing his own song.

"Oh, um, thanks. It's the only song I've ever written. I wrote it a couple years ago, but haven't gotten the courage to share it. It's a dumb song." He blushes in embarrassment, and I sit next to him on the piano bench.

"It was one of the best songs I've ever heard. Honestly, I am kind of jealous," I admit, and he seems relieved. I think that's about his ex-girlfriend that left him for another guy only a couple months into the relationship. It's hard to get dumped, not that I would know, but I can't imagine being in love and the person you're in love with tells you they like someone else.

"Well, we should both get to bed. It's going to be a long week. Five on-camera Solos and two off-camera dates. I'm not looking forward to having seven dates with seven different girls. Can it be the end already?" He complains, and I laugh, feeling the exact same way.

"I wish it was. I want the drama and the constant looking over my shoulder to see if there's a camera on top of my own issues," I agree, and he winces. Yeah, I'm not loving the whole deal with the will.

"Well, I'm happy you're still here. You've helped my heart heal from that breakup in a way I couldn't have gotten from the guys. I'll see you tomorrow." Hayden heads to his own room, and after a few minutes of peace and quiet with the ivory keys, I do the same. As soon as I reach my room, I see that Ellie somehow got into my room, even though it's locked. I don't keep it locked when I'm inside, unless I'm changing, but I do remember to lock it when I leave.

"Hi, Erika. Can I sleep with you? The boys all said no." I nod, letting her get changed and curled up in my bed, while I find Lane. Knocking on his door, I feel this nervousness I've never had around him. It's all because of that kiss. I can't forget it. It was my first genuine kiss. Where the guy wasn't trying to get in my pants in the process.

"Oh, Erika." Lane opens the door and he's in his boxers.

"Your sister is in my room," I say, trying not to laugh because he's just so casual about it.

"I'm gonna... go. See you," He says, about to shut the door.

"Oh, and nice batman underwear." I laugh and he scowls, but can't contain his laughter either, before shutting his door. Heading back to the staircase, I hear a few whimpers, and wonder who it is, but I don't stop. Whoever it is probably wants to be alone. I head back to my room, where Elle is already asleep, so I join her on the twin size bed, but it somehow fits the both of us, falling asleep to the steady sound of her breathing.

In the morning, I wake up at five am, like usual, and carefully climb out of bed, making sure I don't wake Elle up, since she's still sleeping, and after changing, I head down to the first floor, where Beckham has already grabbed the deck of cards we use each morning.

"So, how was your sleep? I heard Elle was with you," Beckham asks, dealing out the cards for solitaire. I do the same once I have shuffled my cards, and we play a few games, before Beckham has to call it quits because he has a date.

"Who are you going with?" I ask, and he smiles before even answering the question. So, he likes someone.

"I'm going to a meadow a couple hours north to have a picnic with Liana." How cute.

"She'll like that. Trust me. I'm her suitemate." I smile, happy for Liana.

"Good. I didn't know what to do. It's nice to know when I do something right." He heads upstairs to change into a polo shirt and khakis, and I watch as they walk to the car, and I'm happy for them. The other four guys all leave within the next two hours, each with a girl I can tell they adore. Only three and a half weeks until the third elimination and I'm not sure where I stand with Lane after that kiss.

The kiss that changed everything for me in a way I can't explain.

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