Epilogue (8 Years Later)

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So, after going through a full trial, Kelly is put away in jail for fifteen years, and if the evaluation doesn't go well after fifteen years, it continues for the rest of her life. I may not enjoy hurting others, but she needs to be put away so she doesn't hurt anyone else. It's why I put the contingency in there. If she turns her life around, sure she can come out, but I'm not going to let anyone else get hurt because I was afraid to go to the police.

Aside from that whole ordeal, Landon and I got married and had twins, named Kyle and Kayla. Every year, without fail, we watch Choosing Right and bet on who will match up together, usually I win, and this year is bound to be an interesting year. They always are. They just announced the band, and it's Spark, one of my favorite R&B bands. I've produced for them a bit, but usually just side-by-side their own producers. And, interestingly enough, they'll be on a cruise ship, making a stop each week.

"Alright, so who's going to be picked? I still think Lana will choose Erik, and Emorie will choose Quinn." Landon asks, picking up Kayla.

"It's definitely going to be Julio. Haven't you noticed mom always wins this bet?" She points out, and sadly she's right. Landon hasn't won a single year. Season 17 was actually the game changer, having more than one contestant, and since then, they've piggybacked on the idea, grabbing music groups of various sizes each year.

"Kayla is right. About both things. Julio will get Lana and Oliver will end up with Emorie." He sighs as soon as the announcements are live, because I'm right.

"Alright, you get your wish." He succumbs. "We will go on a cruise next year, just the two of us, after my tour is over in April." Yes, Landon still does plenty of touring with the band, creating songs they like to play instead of what the label wants them to make.

As for me, well, I'm the best known producer and singer world-wide, but I mostly just do producing and a few duets every once in a while when the band is on tour.

"Is Auntie Olivia coming to stay with us?" Kyle asks, and being only seven, the twins are adorable. Olivia, Ms. Quasin as I've called her for years, is my best friend and moved to upstate Cali, where most of the tech companies are, but comes down to see the twins whenever she can. Lane's mom has gotten a lot better, going to therapy once a week, and Elle is sixteen already, with her driver's license, so she comes to visit from Wakeland every weekend with her mom for Sunday dinner, one that every member of the band and their families attends — at least when we're all in town.

"I'm sure she will. Otherwise, I think Grandma and Aunt Elle will watch you guys. And you know how much they love ice cream." I grin, turning off the TV, and head downstairs to find Theo and Isabelle on the couch, playing "The floor is lava" game. I am so happy he found a girl he could connect with. But I'm happy they don't have kids yet or we'd all be screwed. We all still live here, all five band members, with their wives, and kids, so Kyle and Kayla are never really alone.

"It's time for Sunday dinner. No Elle or Hana, but everyone else is here, so get your butts to the table." I yell at the two jumping around from couch to couch, and walk to the big dinner table, smiling at the big family I have. Who would've thought we'd all be here?

I sure didn't.

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