Chapter 6: The Truth About Jack (Part 1)

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Serena's PoV
'Why of all people did he have to choose me?'
I sighed as I went over that thought from last night. I started to get ready for school, trying to look as nice as possible for picture day. Yes, its three weeks in to the year and they're starting already.
I decided to put on my purple, black and grey plad skirt with a nice black scoop neck top and black leggings. Then I went into the bathroom to fix my hair. I decided to try and leave it down today with a purple headband. I also put a hair tie around my wrist, just in case.
Satisfied, I went down stairs to get my bag ready.
"Need a ride to school today Serena?" my mom asked.
"Oh, no. Jack and I are going to walk together today." I replied, shoving a textbook into my bag.
"Are you sure sweetie? Its picture day. I could bring Jack too." she said.
"No its fine mom really." I replied, zipping up my backpack. Its going to be hell walking with such a heavy bag, but I did promise Jack we would walk together today.
I grabbed my short black summer boots and sat down to put them on. As soon as I was finished, the doorbell rang and I hopped up to answer it.
I opened the door and it was Jackson. "Ready to go?" he asked with a smile.
"Yeah, let me just grab my bag." I said, walking back to the kitchen table. I grabbed my bag and went back to the door.
"Bye mom!" I called, she nodded in response.
I closed the door behind me and began to walk with Jack to school.
"You look really nice today." he said, which caught me a little off gaurd.
I felt my face get a little warm, but replied "Thanks, you do too."
"That looks heavy, want me to carry it for you?" he asked, pointing to my bag.
"U-um, it is a little heavy- but you don't have to..." I replied.
He laughed. "But what if I want to?"
"Then I guess I won't argue." I laughed and hanged him my bag.

We arrived at the school and went to our usual spot where we sat before class starts. Jackson set both of our bags down and sat down next to me.
"So picture day huh?" he began, "Is that the only time you'll dress up like that?"
I laughed and looked over at him. "Well, no. I'll get dressed up to go out to dinner, go to a play, and stuff like that but not to go to school."
"Oh, I get it." he replied as he started going through his backpack making sure he had everything for the day like he does every morning.
"Aw damn it... I forgot my textbook again..." he said discouragingly. "I swear I put it in there this time!"
"Its alright, I told you I don't mind sharing my textbook. We do sit next to eachother in History anyway." I replied, starting to think that he would forget his textbook on purpose because then he would have to sit very, very close to me. I often wondered why, I suppose it seems he has a crush on me or something-
I continued going over several different thoughts in my head, and had not realized Jackson had been talking to me.
"Serena? Seri? Serena are you paying attention?" he repeated.
"Eh?" I finally responded. "Sorry, I zoned out I guess..." "Uh, yeah you did. Did you even hear a word I said? I was trying to tell you something important..." he said, a sad look on his face.
"I'm sorry... I didn't hear a word... I feel kinda bad now-" I said, looking down wondering what he was trying to tell me.
The bell rang as he was about to start talking again. "I guess I'll have to tell you later." he replied as he got up and grabbed his bag an mine and started to walk to our homeroom.
"H-hey thats my bag!" I said as I got up and ran after him.
Finally period 6-7, Jackson and I headed over to our History classroom together. The day was almost over, and he could finally tell me what he was trying to tell me this morning. I've been thinking about it all day- I couldn't even focus on my work because that has been on my mind.
We sat down in our seats which were next to each other, and I got out my textbook, notebook and writing utencils. I placed the text in the middle of the two desks so Jackson and I could share, although, he still moved his chair a few inches toward mine so our shoulders were touching.
Its not that I minded at all- though it was slightly embarassing, its just- I don't actually know how to explain it. When Jackson gets this close to me, the air feels as though it gets colder...

"Alright class..." I heard the teacher start to speak, which snapped me from my current thought.
Class went by at its normal slow sluggish pace, and it took forever for our last class to get over with, but finally the last bell of the day rang and the students jumped out of their seats to rush out the door.
I packed up my things neatly and walked out of the school building with Jackson, who insisted that he carry my backpack again. So I let him, what was I going to say, no?

We were silent all the way to my house. He walked me up to the door and set both bags down. I looked at him, knowing that he was about to tell me something serious.
"Serena, I have to tell you... It may be a little soon, and you might freak out, but this is just driving me crazy..." he began.
I nodded, encouraging him to continue.
"I-" he took a deep breath and sighed. "I'm not really- well I /was/ Jackson once, but that hasn't been my name in... 400 or so years..."
I could feel myself starting to cry, but I faught to hold back my tears and emotion- I nodded for him to go on once more.
He took another deep breath and let it out. "I'm Jack, Jack Frost, Serena. Its me..."

"I'm Jack, Jack Frost, Serena. Its me... /I came back/"

Finally freeking finished chapter 6! I hope you all liked it, though it seems kinda short doesnt it? <_< sorry.
Chapter 7 will pick up where this left off, and will hopefully be longer! Next time!: The Truth About Jack (Part 2)! Stay tuned! Don't forget to like and comment!!
~CJ <3

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