August 2013 (part II)

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I didn't know how much I missed my grandfather until I met him for the first time in 1,5 of a month. He didn't change a bit. I turned back home with brown skin because of sunbathing and with He noticed it of course and got scared that it's permanent, but I assured him that it was only temporary I did it on the beach one day in Spain. There was this guy walking on the beach between all persons offering a temporary tattoo. I had few euros in my pack so I decided "why not". He had various kinds of patterns and I had chosen to get a scorpio being tattoed on my wrist. He told me it'll start fading away after 2/3 weeks. 

The first persons I met with after my return home were Aiden and Tobias. They are an unpopular and less-likable part of my friends who don't get along with the rest, for example not with this byatch Kasia...THANK GOD! Like my granddad, they were shocked by how dark-skinned I got and my tattoo! Aiden gave me a gift from Egypt- a postcard.  I...didn't buy him anything in Spain so I had to tell him I have my gift at my place and that I'll give it to him...eventually. Omg, I hope I took something from Spain that will be good for him to give to him. Damn...Tobias also heard it so I'll have to give something to him too. He's my friend too...What will I do? I shouldn't have lied to them. Now I don't know...oh, right! I took some Spanish special sweets unavailable in Poland. Mama packed to my luggage a lot of them so if I give both Aiden and Tobias by one pack it won't be a big loss to me. Still, what a pity xd I didn't want to share them with my friends besides my grandmother. However, out of all the "friends" I have, Aiden and Tobias deserve a gift, especially that Aiden also got a gift for me from vacation. We played on PS1 in some racing game...yes, PS1. Not PS3, nor PS2. PS1! And don't forget that this autumn PS4 hits the market! Where did PS1 come out, 2000? Maybe earlier! We have the 13th year of the 21st century! Well...Aiden remained in 20th-century xd Later we were hanging out on Firefly Oasis streets. We hit Speed street. I was wondering whether we would meet Magda...and I wasn't wrong. We came across her! I told her "hi" she answered the same and without any stop, she went further. I was hoping to talk with her for at least a moment. I guess she was heading on meeting with her friends...unfortunately, I'm not one of them. She's still as beautiful as I remembered her from the end of elementary in June. After I had seen both of them home whether I liked it or not I had to pass next to our old school. There was Sebastian with Caroline, Alexandra, Damon...and of course Kasia and this 17-years-old motherfucker. Only Sebastian saw me, I just kept going straight home. I didn't join them. I'm not welcome there. 

I met Sebastian and Damon the really next day eventually. Justin and Mario joined us as well. After all of them paid attention to my brown skin and new tattoo and after explaining to them it ain't a permanent tattoo we hit the city. It was cloudy today...of course, it's Poland, not Spain :) But I like cloudy weather, to be honest. We sit in a wooden house for children in the playground. Another playground to the one I avoid. On the ceiling and walls, there were names and other words etched or written by marker pen. What took my and Sebastian's attention was "Aaron Brzozowski is hot". I asked them do they know him. Damon said, "Yeah, I know him. He's one year older than us. I mean, one year older than me, Justin, Sebastian, Mario, and 2 years older than you". Yeah, I'm the youngest out of all of them. I'm still curious why my mother decided to sign me to school one year earlier. Honestly, I'm not mad about it at all. People from 2000 rock! When I think that I would be in the same year as Alexandra, Caroline, Kasia, Susan, and all their friends it makes me cringe! Throughout 12 years of my life, I haven't met a single 2001's, nice person. Ok, maybe a few, but the rest is mean and lame, including...Alexandra, Caroline, Kasia and Roxana :) Anyway, turning back to Aaron Brzozowski, I ask Mario "Is he Cassie's cousin, brother, or something?". Cassie's surname is also Brzozowska. "No, it's a coincidence. He isn't related to us"- answers me Mario who is a cousin of Cassie. I don't know why, Aaron Brzozowski intrigued me already. And I don't even know him. I wonder what does he look like if someone wrote that he's "hot". "He's in the same junior-high-school as we"-said, Damon! Wow, so sooner or later, I'll meet him! Whatever. If people write such things about him on playgrounds in the city he must be popular. And if in addition to that he's handsome, or, as others describe him-"hot"-he must be a conceited asshole for sure. Especially that Damon knows him. Damon himself is really cool, but I don't really like his friends other than us. They are mostly jerks! In the evening Kinga called me. We sit on the bench next to her stairway in the block. She came up with idea that I'll be recording a video in which she'll be talking. I was like "okaay". So I started shooting the video and I was the interviewer whereas she was the president of Firefly Oasis xd I had been asking her questions about what was she planning to do to decrease unemployment in the city or "Are you Miss President going to punish people who don't clean up shit after their dogs outside?" xddd It was so funny cause Kinga is so funny and she always is so charismatic and creative! She had been inventing the ideas for videos and I was just shooting them with my phone LG Swift 5 and asking questions. One time she was a president, another she was an ordinary teenager expressing her opinions about Firefly Oasis' bus lines, and another time she was miss astronaut setting off on her first expedition on Mars xd We had so much fun that we didn't even see that it's almost a midnight! After turning back to my flat I told my granddad that I was just sitting with Dorota next to her block and that's all. He calmed down a little but forbid me to hang out till midnight. I said "deal" and was up to come back to my room, but before that he asked me how did I feel about beginning a new school in 2 weeks. I told him that I try to be optimistic, but I would rather much more to stay in my previous class for another 2 years, cause people from our year were so good and it's sad that I won't be in the same school anymore with Peter, Cristian, Magda, etc. He said that he understood me very well and that this education reform years ago with creating junior-high-school to shorten elementary school by 2 years was stupid, cause 13-years-olds are still children and beginning new school automatically think they are so mature and start to swagger and act outrageously. Well, couldn't agree more. But he told me that everything will be alright and that the people in my new school will like me for sure. "Only a fool would dislike you". I thanked him, gave him a half five, said goodnight, and went back to my room. Before going to sleep, I watched photos from elementary school. It seems like it was yesterday when Cristian reported on me to our teacher that I lost a toy and I shut his mouth before that xd Thinking about this incident with Cristian I reminded myself about this Aaron Brzozowski I talked about with my friends today. "Aaron Brzozowski is hot"- inscription on the playground. When I think about the hottest person in the world to my mind comes a boy (or a girl) slim with blond hair and brown eyes, like Damon, Cristian, or Magdalena. Peter is also hot- he's athletic, high, slim, has short brown hair and blue eyes, but it still doesn't get me so much like blondes with brown eyes. 

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