Chapter 54: "Will It Help If I Twerk?"

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[Apologies for the late update. I've had tests and viva all week. Forgive me. I love you. Go on read read *weird dancing to cheer you up*]

Lia's POV:-

"Son of a bit-"

"Max!" Mel scolds. I shift uneasily on the couch. Max gives an apologetic look, and puts down the jar he couldn't open. Then he comes sit beside Mel. An uncomfortable silence engulfs us. 

I had to cancel my date with Luke, last minute cause Max wanted me to come to his house. Even though I dreaded going back, I was still curious.

"Ma.." Max urges softly. Mel sighs.

"The reason, I called you here today," she spoke directly to me. "-is to apologize for my behavior. And cause Max forced me to," she adds quietly. Max gives a warning look. "Alright, I too have been feeling guilty... It's not your fault. I was too blind in anger and hatred towards your father, and I took it out on you. You don't have to forgive me, but I just want to let you know, I really am sorry for throwing you out the house, and for all the mean things I've done."

I did not know what to do with this apology. So, I nod my head. 

"Also, we both would like if you move back with us," she says. Max nods vigorously.

"I.." I trail off. "I accept your apology. But, I can't move back in. I am happy living with Julian, and he also likes that he's not alone. So.." I gulp. Max's face falls.

"We understand," Mel assures. 

"I'll get going then," I say meekly, and rush out the door. 


I stop outside the house, when I hear Max's voice. 

"Lia, she really meant it," Max says giving me a comforting smile. 

"It'll be too hard for her if I move in," I explain. "Don't argue Max, I know it. Right now everything is good. Let it be like that." Max gives a gloomy nods, and we part ways.


"Hi Luther," I smile. He gives me a nod and what I think was the tiniest smile, opening the door wider. "Is Luke home?"

"He's in his room," he answers, going inside the house. "Hey honey," Jane greets standing beside Luther. "Don't mind us, go go," she urges leaning against Luther. "Yeah, I'll just.." I mumble and go upstairs before things got too awkward.

Luke looks up, when I barge into his room. I pause and analyze. He was sitting on his bed, a pen in hand and some books scattered around. Bloody nerd..

I shut the door, and climb into his bed. I don't even bother hiding my sullen expression, and remove the book from his lap. I place my head on his thigh, face in his stomach, my hands around his waist. Luke waited for me to settle down, then placed his book on my hips, his hand resting on my shoulder. It felt like a warm hug of comfort, when he snuggled me closer to him.

Once everything's quiet except for Luke's whooshy scribbling, I allow my thoughts to flow freely. I realized I was just taken aback by Mel's apology. I have considered this woman as my mother, all my life. And some part of me, still wants her to like me, and accept me. So finally see her, giving a shit about me had me flustered. But I know that'll never be the case for her. I am the living proof that the love of her life, cheated on her. The thought that I still sought her approval, made me feel pathetic.

"What are you humming?" I ask, twisting my head to look at Luke. 

"Asleep, by Smiths," Luke mutters, writing something in his notepad. "Sing for me," I request, turning my body. "No," he laughs, setting his books on my stomach. 

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