Chapter 15: Bleh! I Hate Normal

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Luke's POV:-


I look down to see her looking at me with such a gentle expression. Then she does something which sends my mind into comma.

She places her lips on mine.

I freeze. Never in a million years, I thought Lia would do this. I always thought she was just messing around with me.

I know I should stop it and pull away, but with this girl...... like I said people 'mind in comma'. She's looking at me with those magnetizing eyes.

I lift my hand and cup her jaw, angling her face to kiss better. Our eyes flutter close, as we lose ourselves in the sensation. Her lips are even better than I imagined. Soft and plump, giving a delicious friction to our kiss. I slide my lips over her mouth giving her soft tender kisses. Her bottom lips tremble. I suck on it.

Her hands are resting over my heart, which I am sure is pounding wildly. She moves her hand and locks it around my neck, pulling me closer. Then I do, what I have wanted to many times. I bite her lips. She whimpers knotting her fingers into my hair. I softly nibble on her lower lip as she pulls my hair. She pulls her lip away from my teeth with a smile and again attaches her mouth with mine. We both let out twin sighs of relief because we both wanted it.

The way she kisses me tells me she was craving for it. She did not even want to lose a second away from my lips.

Glad we are on the same page...

Suddenly she lets out a sound of annoyance and removes one hand from my hair. Then I notice her phone was ringing. I could barely focus on anything else, because all I could feel was, her lips and her body molding into mine. I guess she also ignores it as the sound stops and her hands are on me again.

The fucking devil starts crying again. Lia pulls away with a look of impatience (which must be matching my face) and takes out her phone panting hardly. I also look at the caller id upside down since she was straddling me.

Who the fuck is this Mr. Fauna? And why did he have to call now......

"Sorry, I have to take this" Lia gives me a guilty look. I give her a small smile showing it was ok.

It is not at all ok. Switch that motherfucking phone off and come back to me....

She answers the phone putting her free arm around my neck. I also busy myself playing with her hair.

Hmm.... Looks like I won't get bored....

I hear her say "Surely, I understand. It's my fault" as I wrap a curl around my fingers. She has such soft hair. It keeps slipping from my fingers.

"Yes, I will come straightaway" she says in a small voice and hangs up.

I remove my hands from her hair and rest them on her waist. She looks at me with a sad look. Her cheeks burn bright, my face must also be flushed.

"I have to go" she says, putting her other arm around my neck. I nod at her.

She gives me a small pout. I lean forward and kiss it off.

"It's ok, go..."

She bites her lips as she slides her fingers over the frame of my glasses.

She lets out a breathe and gets up. I also stand up dusting my jeans. We silently walk back to the entrance of the park. On the way I think of every grossest thing on earth to calm my hard-on. Thankfully her mind is too busy to notice my not-so-little problem. By the time we are on road I am decent and stoic.

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