Chapter 27: 'Binder-Fucker' Or 'Geeky Sperm'

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Lia's POV:-

"Lia wait" someone calls from behind.

I turn and see Luke jogging towards me.

"Damn shizzle" I mutter under my breath. I was totally successful in avoiding him at school this morning. I knew I should have refused to hang out with the guys at ice-cream parlor.

I longingly look at the door, behind which Julian and all the guys were chilling.

Maybe if you make a quick-dash, he won't notice. He will think it was an illusion.. a voice in head suggests.

The guy is not blind. And I am not that childish.. I chide the voice in my head.

"Can we talk?" Luke asks now standing in front of me.

"Is it necessary?" I ask biting the insides of my cheek thinking how I still want to punch his pretty face.

In response he just grabs my hand and leads me to a shady alley. People passing by will probably think we are drug-dealers. Lovely.

"First of all, stop avoiding me" Luke says. I see a black cat sitting in the corner giving us a creepy stare.

"I don't know what you are talking about" I mumble.

"Really, because this morning I saw you twice ducking into random classrooms on seeing me" Luke muses.

Okay fine, I was not totally successful in avoiding him..

"They were not random classrooms" I say indignantly. "The teachers had called for me."

"Really.." he drawls out, giving me an unimpressed look. I nod, refusing to back out.

"Look, this is just stupid" Luke sighs.

"No, it is not" I retort.

"Lia, c'mon. I mean, I thought we were better than this" he tries again, gently taking my hand.

"Yes Luke, I also thought we were better than this. But now every time I see you, I.." I trail off, taking my hands away.

"Cut me some slack here. I was really angry that time, so I said some stupid things  and I am sorry. I really am. I never meant to hurt you Lia."

"Alright. Let's assume I forgive you. But how do I know that the next time you get really angry at me, you won't say all of that again."

Luke's eyes harden as he clenches his jaw, "I won't do that. I am not so nasty."

I look away still unconvinced. To be honest, after getting hurt by my mom everyday, I don't think I want another source of vulnerability. I have to cut him off to protect myself.

"No Luke. I can't do this" I shake my head.

"You think you never hurt me? What about all those times you made me fall for you and then kept backing out saying you want to keep things 'platonic'? You think I enjoyed you giving me shit?" his voice vibrates with annoyance.

"So this is how you are going to play huh? Using my faults against me" I laugh bitterly, crossing my arms.

"No. My point is, I did not let it from making this happen" he says pointing towards us. "I let it go, because being with you is what mattered."

Safe to say his somewhat cheesy lines were making me melt a little. But I was tougher than that. In fact I know I am more fucked up than that.

"Firstly this" I say pointing in between us "was bound to break some day."

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