Chapter 8: Ambiance Got Ruined By Half-naked Brad Pitt

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Natalia's POV:-

I am strolling down the footpath looking into my phone paying very little attention to the world. Julian's meeting me at the ice-cream parlour. I'm so distracted thinking about Zac Effron's oh-so-drool-worthy-body in baywatch that I did not hear a car, fast approaching me until too late.

A hand wrapped around my wrist, which pulled me away from the roadside. Another arm wrapped around my waist crushing me into a rock-hard body.

I lift my eyes to see a rare sight, which is Luke looking panicked. This is perhaps the most expression I've seen on his face. His bright green orbs have a wild, almost fearful look. He curses "Fucker" under his breath, as he glares at the crazy car speeding down the road.

He then looks down at me (mind it, the dude is tall) with a concerned expression.

"Are you okay?" he asks, checking around me for injuries.

I am too numb to respond. No, scratch that. I am actually buzzing with electricity because right now I am pressed deliciously against him. His laundry soap and fresh after-shave scent is fogging up my senses. I was always a fan of cologne on men but damn, this is so much better. It takes gargantuan strength to stop myself from putting my face in his neck and taking a long deep breath.

When he is certain that I have no visible injuries he again locks eyes with me waiting for my response. I manage to give a small nod, since I am now enraptured by warm leafy green eyes. I guess he also realises our close proximity as his eyes widen slightly and he visibly swallows. I can feel his heart rate pick up.

Slowly he steps back and slides his arm from my waist, almost as if he's reluctant to let go.

"Pay attention when you are on the road" he says quietly.

Again I nod. "Thanks" my voice comes a little breathless. He gives me a small smile.

Why the fuck am I being like this?

Ok, you are tough Lia. Such movie shit doesn't bother you. Wake up, for fuck's sake woman! I mentally prep myself.

"Where are you going?" he asks as he starts walking down the street.

"Ice-cream parlour" I reply joining him.

"Me too."

Great, now I have to torture myself with his addictive smell the whole walk. I just hope by the time we reach, I won't be clinging to him like a chimpanzee.

It was a quiet walk. It doesn't take a genius to know that this guy doesn't talk much. Also I didn't know him at all, so I kept quiet trying not to make a bigger fool out of myself. Suprisingly, it was not awkward but it felt really nice.

We are about to enter the parlour when I catch hold of his wrist to stop him.

"Luke, look...." I sigh. "Thank you for saving me back there but I would appreciate it you don't tell my brother about it. I know you are best friends and may want to tell him, but please don't. If he knows about my almost death, he'll probably never let me leave the house and will insist on walking me everywhere. It doesn't mean I don't like his company, it's just that-"

Luke stops my word-vomit by putting a hand over my mouth.

"Quite a talker aren't you?" he's suppressing laughter. "Chill, I won't say anything" he says, now smiling down at me.

I feel the smile everywhere. It does weird things to me.

"Let's go" he removes his hand and walks inside, me hot at his heels.

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