Their reaction to a sexy photo/video of you

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Jade had been begging you to show her your newest photoshoot. You refused and told her she would have to wait just like everybody else. "Please. Y/n I am your girlfriend." You roll your eyes as she clings to you dramatically. "Baby, be patient. I will post them in like an hour or so," she whines again. "AN HOUR? please just. ugh. okay." she sighs and leaves the room to get some tea. You smirk to yourself, pulling out your phone. You already have the pictures up and ready to post.

Immediately after you press post you hear your girlfriend's phone chime, "Y/N!!" You hear feet rushing up the stairs and into the bedroom. Jade jumps on top of you. "Seriously! You just had to post it when I was making my tea?? But holy shit babe, you look like a fuckin goddess!" You giggle and kiss her lips lightly, but before you could pull away she deepens it, eliciting a moan from you. She smirks and starts to kiss down your jaw. "Baby? What about your tea?" She bites down on your neck and licks it over. "That can wait. I have you here right now."


Perrie was at the studio with the girls when you posted behind-the-scenes photos of your new music video. You were dressed in a purple dress that flowed outward and showed off enough cleavage to be the right amount of sexy, and you were soaked in water. Your hair clinging to your face in a way that Perrie thought was the hottest thing ever.

"Pez, your drooling." Jade jokes, "what are you even looking at anyways?" She asks looking over Perrie's shoulder, "Oh of course. Your sexy girlfriend." Perrie laughs. "Hey, only I can call her sexy." The girls laugh and continue to write down some lyrics.

Perrie presses on the comments and reads a few before commenting herself.


omg, you're so hawt

the girls let Perrie leave, and she quickly got home to where you were waiting for her, and lucky for her, you got to keep the dress.


Leigh was scrolling through Instagram when a certain video caught her eye. It was an edit of you and holy crap, you looked hot. Your new movie had recently come out, and everybody had been making edits of your character - you were too hot not to.

Because you were sitting next to her you heard whatever was on her phone being played over and over again. "babe what are you watching?" You asked chuckling. She blushed, "Nothing." She mumbled. You look at her squinting your eyes. You scoot over and she quickly scrolls away from the post, forgetting to save it so she knows she'll have to go back. You look over at her frowning, she just sighs and scrolls back to the video.

You watch the video with a smirk on your face. "How many of these do you have saved babe?" Leigh rolls her eyes and blushes, "it's not my fault your sexy." she says making you snort. she laughs and puts her phone down pulling you closer to her and kissing you.


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