Your first kiss

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You and jade were watching tv in her living room, you had just gotten back from a date. As you were watching you could feel jades eyes on you. You turn your head slightly and see that she is in fact staring at you. You blush under her gaze.

"Why are you staring at me?" You ask in a shy whisper, suddenly feeling self conscious. "Because you're beautiful." You shake your head and try to hide the growing blush, but she takes your face gently in her hands. Your eyes lower to her lips, but you quickly look back up but she noticed. She slowly leans in but stops right before her lips touch yours. You waste no time connecting them. You two stay like that until air becomes a problem. When you disconnect, a smile instantly forms on both your faces. "That's the best first kiss I've had with someone." "Same here," she laughs before kissing you again.


You and perrie had been friends for a while, but both of your feelings grew into something more than friendship. Perrie had asked you on a date, and you obviously agreed. She was now walking you home from your date. Before you knew it, you two were standing at your front door.

"Thank you for today, I had a great time." She smiles at you, "I'm glad. So that means there will be a second right?" She asks. "Of course!" You laugh as you unlock the door. You two hug, and as you go to walk inside, she grabs your wrist and pulls you into her. She kisses you softly and you immediately kiss back. She grips your waist and pulls you in even closer. Your hands sling over her shoulders as she pushes you against the door. She pulled back slightly biting your bottom lip.

"I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" You just nod, slightly out of breath. "Yay!" She says, then pecks your lips again before leaving.


You and the girls were rehearsing a new dance for a show you had been invited on. You and jess had just started officially dating about a week ago, which is when you girls started learning the dance. You pretty much have it nailed down so you and some other dancers start messing around.

You were currently grinding on Renae, unaware that your girlfriend was watching the two of you. She knew that you and renae were best friends and that she had nothing to be jealous of. But she still was. She starts to walk toward you, and as soon as you see her moving you skip over to her. She wraps her arms around you pulling you closer. "Hi bubs," you say. She smiles and moves her hands to your face, "Hi." She says quickly before kissing you. Cheers erupt around you pull back grinning. "Were you jealous?" Your voice laced with a teasing tone. She just shrugs, "maybe a little." You laugh and quickly pull her into another kiss which she gladly accepted.


You, leigh, perrie, jade, and jesy decided to have a girls night out. You have been working super hard on your next album so you ultimately decided you deserved the fun little break.

the night was going great, you all had a couple shots - or in you and jades case a few more than a couple. Currently you and leigh were on the dance floor. The other three all knew of your crush on the girl, and they also knew about her crush on you. As you two were having the time of your life on the floor, notice came on. Everyone started cheering but you and leigh only danced closer. The sexual tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. As the bridge of the sing neared, it felt like you two were the only ones in the room.

not sure which one of you initiated it, but next thing you knew you both were locked in a passionate kiss, letting all the feelings you've kept in out. when you pull back, you rest your forehead against hers. "I've wanted to do that for so long." she whispers causing you to blush. "Me too." You say and kiss her again before going back to dancing.

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