The Next Day

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David has been lying to us all it seems... Tobi got back from the fringe today with news that the soldiers who have been going to the fringe have been wiping the kids memories before they bring them back and some of the parents were killed.

Tobi then stormed his way up to David's penthouse, apparently as I heard all this from Tris afterwards, and started yelling at David, and trying to tell Tris what is really going on at the Bureau. Tris just dismissed what he was saying and went with David to speak with some council that funds his experiments on Chicago. David had told Tris that the council would have to give him permission to get involved and stop the war that was happening in Chicago between Evelyn and Johanna. Turned out, once they got there and Tris tried pleading with the council members, that David is in control of the city, and that he doesn't need permission to interfere, and instead had gone to the council to try and get funding for more experiments. Well you can expect- Tris was furious. Apparently, on their way back when Tris confronted him about it, he said he was getting involved and was helping Johanna. 

Meanwhile, whilst they were at the council, Romit claimed he'd take Tobi back to Chicago. Matthew went with them. Matthew told me the truth of what happened once he got back, after he had told Tris that they had crashed and Tobi had left him behind, and Tris had gone to see Caleb so they could use the cameras to try and locate Tobias and she wanted to alert Christina that we would all be leaving. I was just chilling by the beds after training when Matthew came to me. He said he figured I ought to know as Tobi is obviously my brother. He told me that no craft passes through the camo barrier that hides the Bureau and fringe from the rest of the world, other than David's personal craft, which is why he went with Tobi, to try and warn him. Matthew told me that Romit's plan was to take Tobi towards the camo barrier and then kill him before he could realise that he wasn't actually being taken home because of what he saw in the Fringe. Apparently Tobi fought Romit and ended up killing him and the pilots before the aircraft crashed. Tobi and Matthew were the only survivors and Matthew told Tobi to go to Chicago, giving him his identification card so he could get through the barriers. Tobi then told him to tell Tris and David that he had left Matthew behind as Tris would know it were a lie, and then Matthew came back to the Bureau, not long before Tris and David got back.

Not long after Matthew finished telling me this story, Tris, Christina and Caleb came running to me and then Tris hurried up to steal David's aircraft whilst the rest of us ran out to the tarmac where she could drop down to get us. Just as we were about to leave, Nita ran over and gave us some of the Drone jackets and some guns. We thanked her and quickly launched, heading to the camo wall. David sent 3 crafts after us, and we were forced to drive manually to get away. They then shot at us but we dodged and managed to reach the camo wall before we got hit- the other crafts couldn't follow us through. We sped towards Chicago, and found the Allegiant fighting outside the Erudite building. Tris landed on one of the building's glass balconies and we donned the jackets, running inside with our guns, leaving Caleb to look after the craft and oversee our communications to make sure everything went smoothly, or at least to try to make sure.

We stormed our way inside, heading to find the cell that Tobias was being kept in. After rescuing him, we ran to find Evelyn to stop her from using the memory serum on Chicago. We located her in the Erudite serum vault, and ran to the door, knocking Edgar unconscious as we passed him. We called to Evelyn through the door, and as the serum started to approach on us, Tobi and I reminded Evelyn that if she let this continue then we wouldn't know who she was, and as I got more panicked as the serum got closer I begged her to stop it, calling her 'mom' for the first time in over 10 years. This shocked her into acting and she hit the release button to stop the serum and ran to open the door. As she moved towards the door, Peter turned to her and shot her in the leg before resuming the serum release.

I instinctively cried out 'mom' as she fell, and she looked up at me, almost sadly with more than a hint of regret in her eyes.

Tobi started yelling at Peter to stop it and let us in, which Peter only did once the serum started to be released inside the vault, which was supposedly meant to be the one safe place in the city. Peter ran off, and I helped Evelyn up, supporting her and she hugged me gratefully. I hesitated but hugged back slightly, making sure she wasn't putting pressure on her injured leg. Tobias and Tris work on stopping the serum, joined by Caleb after the comms were cut by David from afar, just proving what David said about him being in control of a lot of things in the city.

Soon enough they manage to stop the serum release and the air all clears, us all left in the clear from the serum. Tris then decided she wanted to send a message out to all people in the city, as well as to those at the Bureau, including David.

Of course we know that this doesn't mean that David is going to leave us alone. If anything, he'll probably cause even more issues. Tris and I have already discussed going back to try and sort things and stop David from lashing out at the city for our actions.

But for now, we are going to stay in the city, living life as we can for a while. I've reunited with Eric, who luckily stayed safe whilst I was gone, and we've moved into a Factionless apartment near Evelyn, and so has Tobias and Tris. Evelyn has been working on her relationship with me and Tobi, and its kind of nice, although Tobias and I are taking it slowly and being wary about it, but Evelyn understands that we are just scared of getting hurt by her again.

For now, we will just see where things go from now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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