Two Days Later

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Yesterday, Four and I woke up, to find something really strange happening. Out in the hall, all the Dauntless were marching towards the pit, but none of them seemed to be awake, or aware of what was happening. It was like they were all sleep walking the same dream, or like they had all been hypnotised.

It turns out that I was right: the serum that Erudite had delivered, that the Leaders willingly, and knowingly injected us all with, was an 'attack simulation serum'. Only the Divergents were not affected by it. If the Leaders saw that someone was not being controlled by the serum, they killed them.

I guess when Four saw that I wasn't being controlled, he realised that I am Divergent.

We got dressed, and acting like we were being controlled by the serum, we fell in line with those who were actually being controlled. We followed them to the pit, where every Dauntless was armed with a gun.

I followed the Dauntless boy in front of me, knowing that Four was right behind me, to where the train was sat stationary, waiting for the Dauntless to board. The boy in front of me, was helped onto the train, before he turned blank-faced to me, and offered me his hand, as the other Dauntless in the other train cars were doing. Once I was aboard, I turned to offer my hand to Four, and saw Tris right behind him, trying to look blank-faced, as Four and I were doing (not that she knew we are Divergent), and she was very nearly succeeding.

Keeping my face blank, I pulled Four onto the train, then moved aside, into the lines that the other Dauntless soldiers are forming,  to give him room to pull Tris aboard.

Tris, Four and I ended up stood shoulder to shoulder. I pressed my hand into Four's hand, and out of my peripheral vision, saw him press his other hand into Tris', letting her know that he was awake. Soon came the time for us to jump off the train, and as it did, Four turned to Tris and told her to run.

Still acting as if under the simulation, we followed by the rest of the Dauntless through the Abnegation sector. The row of soldiers in front of us stopped, and Tris, Four and I copied.

Eric appeared, and was awe of the way the serum worked.

Then I felt the barrel of a gun press against my temple, and heard Eric asking a bored looking leader, Leah, I think her name was, if she thought anyone would notice if he shot me and Four.

I realised he was obviously still pissed off at me, or at least I hope that was the case and that it wasn't that he now genuinely hated me, or wanted me dead.

The woman replied that he could go ahead, as we were nothing, and with that, Eric clicked the bullets of the guns he was holding to mine and Four's head, into their chambers.

Just as Eric was about to shoot us, Tris blew her cover to save us. She threatened Eric, before shooting him in the foot, causing him to drop the guns. Four immediately drew his own gun, and fired at the bored looking female leader, before grabbing Tris' hand and breaking into a sprint. They didn't get too far, before a soldier who was chasing them, under Eric's orders, shot Tris in the shoulder, and she fell to the ground.

They were quickly surrounded, and dragged off towards Abnegation Headquarters, where I guessed Jeanine was watching over the attack. During all this, I managed to continue my act of being under the attack simulation serum, my eyes stinging as I held back tears of worry for my brother.

When all the other Dauntless soldiers rounded up most of the Abnegation, including the kids, to kill, I couldn't force myself to do the same, and broke away, unable to continue acting, not wanting to kill anyone, especially not children from my old faction.

I ran, heading for the alleyways, where I could disappear, protected by the city's buildings. I nearly got away, but just short of the alleys, I fell to the ground, a searing pain in my lower leg; a bullet from one of the pursuing soldiers had hit its mark.

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