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Added an epilogue to soften the blow on the rushed ending. Lol. This is it. Check out my story Street Love if you want a book with a better ending. Thanks for reading.

Chantelle's POV

It's been a year since Lucas and I first reconnected in SF and things have been good.

Six months ago, when Lucas was ready, I started going to his therapy sessions with him. I also started sessions with my own therapist and I'm so thankful I did.

Couple's therapy has helped Lucas and I not be bitter with each other over problems of the past. We've learned to objectively look at our emotions and work through them in a way that's beneficial for our relationship. And I'm so happy for that.

Today Lucas and I are headed to Halfmoon Bay for a beach day. We are headed down 280 with the windows down and Lucas' music blasting.

I look over at him and smile. He catches me and returns my smile with a smile of his own.

"What?" he laughs.

"Nothing," I chuckle. He grabs my hand, kisses it then places it into his lap, covering it with his.

"I packed the best little picnic," he says. "You're going to love it."

I smile from ear to ear. "I love everything you do for me so I'm sure it'll be awesome."

When I think we've gotten to the beach, Lucas doesn't pull into the parking lot but instead speeds past it.

"Babe," I say. "You missed the exit."

"That's not the beach we're going to," he says, not missing a beat. "That one is too busy."

"Oh..kay?" I say. Now I'm confused.

"We'll be there in 20 minutes," Lucas says, squeezing my hand.

As we drive over some hills, I get a stunning view of the Pacific Ocean. The water is a crystal blue and the sun reflects off of it perfectly.

"Wow baby," I say, turning my head so I can get a better look. This is incredible."

A few minutes later, Lucas pulls off to a small parking lot that leads to a much smaller, more intimate beach.

"We're here," he says. He pecks me on the cheek before jumping out of the car and coming over to my side. He opens my door and helps me out of the car.

"Thanks love," I reply.

He smiles then heads to the trunk and takes out a giant basket.

"Is that all for us?" I laugh.

"Yuppp." He replies, smiling from ear to ear. It takes both his arms to carry the basket. "Follow me."

And I do. I follow Lucas to a secluded part of the beach with beautiful views of the ocean. The sand is white and warm. I slip my sandals off as Lucas opens up the basket and pulls out a large blanket.

"Can I help?" I say, bending down to help unpack.

"I got it baby," he replies. He spreads out the blanket. "Just take a seat love and I'll get everything set up."

I get comfortable and Lucas tucks a few pillows behind me to recline on. He pulls out several dishes and lines them with mini sandwiches, fruit and a mini cheesecake. Even more impressive is the boxed charcuterie board. It is gorgeous.

"One more thing," Lucas says, handing me an empty champagne glass. He pops open a bottle of champagne before pouring my glass first.

"What are we celebrating?" I ask.

He fills his cup next. "A couple things," he says with a small smile on his face.

"First, congrats on your newest position as the editor in chief of one of the biggest magazines in the world."

I smile largely as Lucas leans in to place a small kiss on my mouth.

"You earned it baby," he whispers then kisses me again.

We sip at our champagne and I wait for Lucas to mention what else we are celebrating. After a few moments, he doesn't say anything so I finally ask him.

"What else are we celebrating love?"

He swallows before putting down his glass. He takes mine as well before reaching for my hand. "For this one, we have to stand up."

I eye him but let him help me up. Once we are standing, Lucas takes my hands in his.

"Chantelle Bernard. I cannot fully capture in my words the love I have for you. You've taught me resilience, how to forgive but most of all, how to love. I love every single moment I have with you and if you'll let me, I want to spend every single moment from now on with you."

My eyes start to water and so do Lucas'. He drops to one knee and I'm breathless.

"Chantelle, will you marry me?"

I cover my mouth with my hands before dropping to my knees too. Lucas catches me and pulls me close.

"Yes," I whisper, my tears choking my voice. "1,000 times yes." I wrap my arms around his upper back and hold him.

We hold each other for awhile, neither of us letting go.

"Can I put your ring on?" Lucas asks. I nod and let go of him, just long enough for him to slide my ring on. He slides it on and instead of looking at it, I throw myself back into his arms.

"You're not going to look at your ring?" Lucas chuckles.

"I'm sure it's fine," I say into his shoulder. "I'm just happy I have you."

He holds me tight and plants kisses into my neck. "And I'm glad I have you. Always and forever."

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