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I stepped onto the rink and my body tingled with excitement. My muscles tensed and I was eager to try. I clung onto the edge, like a child would cling onto their mother when they're scared. My best friend was stood next to me; standing there perfectly, able to skate.

I anticipated this. It was bound to be thrilling. Yes, I was scared. I was petrified. For someone with no experience of ice skating, it was going to feel different. I held my best friend's hand tightly, making sure to get a good grip in case I fell flat on my face.

A thin piece of metal was all that was between the sheet of ice and myself. I imagined it wasn't there. And well... I was floating. Floating over the frozen blanket of water and gliding around the rink. Hand in hand with my best friend.

I couldn't think of anything more perfect right now. I know I probably looked a complete mess or a failure to everyone else on the ice, but it felt great. Each time we completed a lap my confidence grew, my smile got bigger and my happiness increased. Careless doesn't begin to describe what I felt. Free was the word. Like water flowing in a stream, snow falling from the sky, birds flying, stars glistening in space. I was free.

I couldn't skate, of course not, don't be silly. How could I with no practice? I couldn't skate; I could fly.

A/N: I went ice skating with my best friend on Tuesday. I was really bad and fell over and she was really good. But me being me I wanted to make this all Englishy and fancy. I just really love writing.

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