Who's My Love? Bestfriend Or Boyfriend? Chapter One

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"so I'll see you tomorrow, right?" Blake, my boyfriend, said. "Of course," I said, kissing him on the cheek, and closing the door as he walked away.

We had just come back from the movies, celebrating our fifth year anniversary. Blake and I started dating when we were in eighth grade, now were seniors in high school.

I was getting ready to drift into a comforting sleep when Noah, my best friend since the sixth grade, called me.

"Hello?" I said sleepily

"Dixie, Love! You sound tired, it's only 11:00 pm." Noah said screaming into the phone.

I winced away from the phone.

"Only 11:00 pm? Go to bed."

"Can't, love."

"Why not."

"I'm not tired."

"And? Drink some warm or something."

"Fine, love."

"You're not going to drink the milk, are you?"


"well bye, love," I said mimicking his Australian accent.

"Bye, love."

"Love you," I said as my eyes were about to give up on me.

"Love you too."

After I hung up, I fell asleep.

"Love? Love?" I heard someone say. "Ugh, Noah!" I said turning on my side. I heard him chuckle. "What, you don't have time for me?" I heard him say. That sent me straight up. "what?" "I forgot to ask if you wanted to hang out today." "So, you came all the way to my house to ask me that, when you could've texted me? Seriously?" He just waited for me to speak. "Cant, me and Blake are going to some amusement park with his younger sibling." I saw the anger flash across his face. "Great," he said losing his accent for a  moment. "Every fucking time I try to hang out with you, Blake is trying to fuck you." I was surprised at his anger. I knew he wasn't quite fond of Blake, but damn, this is over the top for Noah. "What are you talking about," I said getting out of bed. "You really don't see that he's trying to get in your pants, love?" He said regaining his accent again. I sighed. I didn't like seeing Noah like this. We were best friends. Forever. I couldn't blame him for worrying about me.

I hugged him. He felt tense. "Relax. He isn't going to get into my pants. I promise." "He is bigger than you, love. He can do it by force." Noah said wrapping his arms around me. "You'll protect me, right?" I asked innocently. I looked into his eyes. His hazel eyes, soften. "Of course. But, I cant all the time." "I know." I snuggled more into his arms. He kissed my forehead and let me go. "Well, I guess I'll go. Tell Blake if he tries any stupid shit, I'll gladly kick his American ass." I laughed. "Maybe your Australian ass can come with us." "Hm," He said tapping his chin. "Sounds good to me." I laughed, "Just let me change."

I grabbed a pink tank top and white skinny jeans. I put my hair into a ponytail and then pulled on a jacket. I brushed my teeth and made my bed. Then, I walked downstairs.

I only saw Noah, so I guess my parents already left for work. On the weekend. "A tank top, love?" Noah asked, raising an eyebrow. "what?" "Too exposing, don't you think?" "That's what the jacket Is for." Noah sighed. "So, exactly, how are we getting to the amusement park?" "His mom is picking us up." "Did you tell him that I'm tagging along?" "Shit forgot"

I pulled my self phone out of my pocket and texted Blake

"Blake is it ok if Noah tags along with us?"

The reply came instantly

"It's cool, along with as he keeps his dirty hands off you"

I sighed.

"Whatever, ill tell him the good news"

I put my phone back in my pocket

"What did he say, love?" "He said it's cool." "Something tells me that isn't at all what he said." I sighed. "He said, you can come if you keep your dirty hands off me." He chuckled. "That isn't going to happen anytime soon. Don't you agree, love?" I rolled my eyes as I walked into the kitchen, Noah close behind me. I loved how he always followed me as if I was his queen. He did that after I told him, ill be his friend forever.

"Hungry," I asked. He looked into my eyes, then his eyes looked me up and down. He licked his lips. "Yes, I am, love." He started to walk towards me, and I started backing up. "You better stop, before I bute you." "Hmm, that sounds nice." I laughed. "It's not going to sound so nice when your bleeding." Soon I was backed up against the wall. Noah closed the space between us. "Mhm, my love, I could have you right here, right now." I gasped. "Shut up. I have a boyfriend." Noah laughed and kissed me on the cheek. "I was only planning, love." He said backing up and opening the refrigerator. "Or was I?" He mumbled. "What was that?" "I said, what would you like to eat?" I laughed.

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoy this. I am new to this so please don't hate just tell me what needs fixing. And sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Have a good day. Also, this story will be a slow-burning story which means the whole Doah love won't happen too fast it will happen later on.

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