Tryst. Can I Trust You? Chapter Seven

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Continuation from part six

It's a short one sorry.

Kylie was shaking with tears and her parents were happy but tried not to show it. Bryce was next to Kylie holding her hand and trying to soothe her. Blake had his arms around me, trying to cheer me up. Noah stood in the corner of the small room looking at his sister with no expression on his face.

After Kylie pushed and pushed the baby finally had come out. But, when the doctor said, "Still Born." everything came crashing down. 

The baby was dead and never even got a chance at life. I looked down at Kylie and Bryce and was glad she had somebody to comfort her. 

"Well, sweetie me and daddy have to go. Bryce here will comfort you." Kylie's mom said and left the room with her husband.

Kylie looked up at Bryce. Bryce smiled and brushed her hair back with his finger. Kylie smiled back at him.

"It seems as if Kylie and Bryce like each other," Blake murmured in my ear. 

I nodded. 

"It seems so. I'm glad she has someone to comfort her." 

Blake held me tighter to his body. 

Noah unfroze and left the room.

I looked at the door then back at the spot he was standing in 

"Go, talk to him," Blake whispered in my ear. 

I nodded and went after Noah. 

I walked through the halls looking for Noah. He sure did walk fast as hell. 

I rested on the chair in the waiting room and tried to catch my breath. I held my chest and tried to breathe through my mouth.

I got up and was about to head back for the room when I saw Noah. He was talking to the nurse. 

I looked down. Well, here we go again!

I quickened my walk and tried to remain unknown but failed. 


I stopped in my tracks. I really didn't want to talk to him. But, I had to confront him. 

I turned around.

"Dixie, I missed you so fucking much." He hugged me and picked me off the floor and twirled me around. 

He was still hugging me when he put me on the ground. 

"Dixie, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have cheated on you. I was stupid, foolish. I just need the scent of you, because I'm literally going insane without you in my arms." 

He held me tighter. 

"Noah, I have to breathe, you know." I gasped. 

Noah let me go and looked me in the eyes. 

"Dixie, love. I really need you. I can't think straight without you." 

I looked down. I can feel tears coming up. 

"Dixie, I promise you that if you take me back, you won't regret it." 

I looked back at him with tearful eyes.

"Why did you do it" 

Noah looked away then back at me. 

"You're not going to take me back if I tell you, love." 

"I still want to know. Noah." 

He sighed and looked me in the eyes. 

"I was mad that I had to keep fighting for you. Then, you wouldn't even spend some alone time with me on the beach. I was stupid. I know I can't have you all to myself, but I don't know, Dixie. I'm stupid." 

"You are not stupid." 

"Your teenager with hormones." 

"Hormones isn't the problem. It's attention. I crave your attention, Dixie, love. That is something I have to work on."

I smiled. 

"You don't have to," I hugged him and kissed him on the lips. 

"But, if you cheat on me again I'll gladly rip your dick off."

Noah laughed. 

"Never again, love. I promise."

I kissed him again and realized how much I missed his body against mines.

I stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes. 

He smiled. 

"There's a bathroom down the hallway." 

I smiled and followed him down the hallway and into the restroom.

I wrapped my arms around him and with every thrust he made inside of me, I loved him more and more until my heart was filled with love for him and him only.

To be continued...


Hope you guys enjoy this. I am new to this so please don't hate just tell me what needs fixing. And sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Have a good day. Love you all. Thanks for over 400 reads on this story.Thanks.

I might post another or I might not. I'll see.

Posting scheduled:

I'll try to post two parts a day but at least will get one up.

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