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Society, society is a pretty fucked up thing, especially the society of the sang pur. Their ancient morals of purity can corrupt your mind, consuming every thought that is innocent and vulnerable. In a society like this everyone expects you to act, stand, eat, talk, walk a certain way and if you don't well then you are not deemed to fit the "honour" of upholding a pure blooded name.

Honour my arse.

It more resembles a burden.

However, having the last name Lestrange should be an honour, I should be proud of who I am and what my family stands for, yet I'm not.

The motto "Toujours pur" just does not sit right with me. The way these people can just throw around the words "mudblood" and "blood traitor" just does not sit right with me. What makes someone else's life less than my own just because they are born of parents without magical blood or just one parent with magical blood. It's all just ballshit, complete utter ballshit.

However while I stand here with a tight smile on my face at one of these useless summer balls that is just another pathetic reason for these pathetic people to converse their pathetic ideas on how the wizarding world is becoming "insufferable" as it is over run with "mudbloods and blood-traitors alike," I know that I could never voice these opinions as I would be tarnishing the reputation of not only myself but of The Great House of Lestrange and that would be deemed unforgivable.

My brothers Rodolphus and Rabastan stood beside me radiating power and wealth in their fitted robes and perfectly styled hair that reached just above their shoulders. Me being the youngest stood in the middle of the Lestrange trio, in my long black silk gown that reached to the floor and my dark chocolate hair pulled back into a low bun with a few loose strands out shaping my face that bared an unreadable expression just the way I liked it. To my right stood Rabastan, the oldest, and Rodolphus to my left, the second born child, both with the same unreadable expression.

Just as I was about to say something I was cut off by Rodolphus telling me that he was going to find his wife Bellatrix Lestrange, formally known as Black. Then Rabastan told me that he was going to find mother and father , however I knew he was sneaking away to see some Rosier girl that he has been having a secret fling with. He thinks I'm stupid but being the youngest and having brothers that are quite a bit older than you, you grow up observing them and all the people around you which gains you the talent of being able to read people like an open book.

So here I am left alone in the corner of a room full of people I despise.

I carefully watch the people around me dancing, talking and drinking. I start to look for every exit in the room, counting down the minutes until this night is over. However as I'm doing this I don't notice the unbearable figure of Evan Rosier heading my way.

"Lestrange," his gruff voice sounds to my annoyance. "You look ravishing," he says in a low tone and the slight sound of hunger in his voice. Don't get me wrong he is very good looking and has a great body however the lust in his eyes makes my insides churn.

"I know," my voice filled with confidence and power. I knew I looked gorgeous. I always do,however all I was trying to do was get him to go away so my blunt response cut any kind of conversation off, or so I thought.

He continued to ask me questions to my annoyance all about how I was liking the ball and if I was excited to go back to Hogwarts, all he received were blunt answers of yes or no. Truth be told, I was excited to go back to Hogwarts I hated being at home. It felt like a shitty holiday when I was here back in London, Hogwarts was my real home.

"Would you like to dance?" were the words that pulled me back to reality

"Not really, but I feel like you're not going to take no for an answer," I answered in a monotone voice with a hint of annoyance.

As I took his hand that led us to the dance floor it was cold and clammy, disgusting really. He pulled me close, a little too close and started moving to the music. I could feel his hot breath on my neck which sent a shiver down my spine and not the good kind. His hand slid down my back now just above my arse. I was extremely uncomfortable , I did not want to be here.

As the music ended he pulled me even closer and whispered into my ear "want to find somewhere more private?" my mind and body filled with disgust and I gently pushed him back saying no. However he was very adamant. "Come on, i'll make it worth your while," his tone low and repulsive, "I said no Rosier, are you deaf or just an idiot. No means no, now leave," as I was about to walk away he grabbed my wrist and pulled me roughly back toward him, as he did this I pulled my hand back and slapped him hard round the face catching the attention of everyone in the room, hearing a few gasps I looked around and caught the furious eyes of my mother and father.


I'm screwed.

My mind started racing as instant regret filled me up. I just embarrassed our family in front of everyone who mattered in this society and I knew that I would be punished when we got home.

I straightened my posture and set my face back to its unreadable expression and just before I was walking to face the wrath of my parents I heard a whisper from behind me coming from the Rosier boy "you're going to regret that bitch."

I walked over to my parents who were furious and I was roughly grabbed by my father who told my mother to go and get my brothers and that we were going home. She stalked off whispering a long list of profanities under her breath as my father took me out of the ballroom.

As we reached the outside he was still yet to say something and just took out his wand and apparated us back to the Lestrange manor. His silence was terrifying and deep down inside me knew that I would be having a rough night.

Toujours pur; Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now