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a/n The Lestrange manor above, hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote x

TW: abuse


The last thing I heard was a loud crack of me and my father apparating just before my body hit the ground of our manor floor hard. I knew what was coming, I didn't dare look at my father in case he decided he wanted to get a few hits in before my mother got back with my brothers, so I stayed on the floor staring at the ground awaiting my punishment or should I call it torture. That's what is was torture, there's no use sugar coating it, my mother and father would torture me because I stepped out of line because I didn't uphold the image of The Great House of Lestrange.

After what felt like hours of deafening silence the loud crack of apparating filled the empty hallways of the manor and in stormed my furious mother heading straight for my direction.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE BITCH, HOW DARE YOU EMBARRASS US LIKE THAT" she screamed as she grabbed me by my dress so that I was facing her. Her heavy breathing blew onto my face causing me to flinch under her gaze. There isn't much I'm afraid of in this world but what I am afraid of is my mother and father. Both equally cruel and sadistic.

Just as my mother let go of my dress she brought her fist back and hit my jaw, 3 times on the right side. I fell to the flaw hissing in pain, silently begging them to stop, begging them to just let me talk and explain my side of the story. However I knew it would be no use, they wouldn't listen so I should just take my punishment and be on my way, I mean it's not like they would kill me.

They wouldn't kill their own daughter, right?

"You are a worthless piece of shit and can never just follow the rules can you?" my father hissed. It's true I was a piece of shit but not a worthless piece of shit I wouldn't go that far, as for the rules part he is right I never really was one for the rules. I knew what I would say next would get me in some deep shit but I was beyond the point of caring. "Rules were made to be broken," I said with a smug smirk.

I was right it pissed him off so I got a few kicks to the stomach that were probably going to leave a bruise.

"You don't deserve the name Lestrange not with your attitude, you have no grace, have no manners and no respect, we did not raise you this Raiya," my mother said with distaste

"I think we should teach her a more meaningful lesson don't you think Victoria," my father said directed at my mother

"I do Reinhard."

"you will learn to respect your superiors and gain some manners or worse things will be coming your way."

I had a brief idea about what was coming. I just really wish it wasn't because it was going to hurt like a bitch.


My entire body felt like it erupted into flames as a deafening scream let my lips and tears spilled out of my eyes. It felt like a thousand knives were stabbing at my skin finding new places each time to slice across. It was painful to say the least. My mother and father knew that this wouldn't change my behaviour yet they didn't care, they did this because they enjoy it, they enjoy seeing me in pain because it makes them feel like they are doing the "right" thing by "punishing" me.

My body was still letting out retched screams as the pain shot through, coursing its way through my veins, never ending suffering that felt like it had gone on for hours. My body shook violently as I heard my mothers and fathers ungodly laughs that haunted my dreams. Eventually my father stopped his torture and whispered "think about that the next time you decide to step out of line" just before he and my wicked mother left, leaving me on the hard oak floor body still withering in pain.

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