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It had been 2 weeks since the RR party and all I had done was avoid Sirius, I'm pretty sure he was trying to talk to me as whenever I was alone or even just talking to the girls, I could see him start making a beeline towards me but he was too slow because I noticed every time and quickly ran away, and I don't mean just turn and slowly walk away, I mean literally run away, I think my friends were starting to think I was going crazy as sometimes we were in the middle of the conversation and I would just get up and run away.

I really didn't want to talk to him, I didn't know what he had to say and I didn't care. I knew I should really thank him for what he did at the RR party but I couldn't, I couldn't face him.

Speaking of Evan, I haven't seen him the past 2 weeks either. I'm sure he was avoiding me as well because not only did he get a beating from Sirius he also got a beating from Adri and Ali which he deserved, he's also overdue an appointment with me too. At that moment I didn't know how to react and couldn't defend myself but now I was more than pissed off and I wanted to kill him. I think he knew that too, he also knew what I was capable of which is why I also thought he was avoiding me.

I was sitting in the library in my usual spot waiting for Remus so that we could work on our DADA homework together like we do all the time. I got out my potions homework to pass the time, when I heard footsteps behind me and without looking up I said "I thought you weren't going to come."

"Erm he's not."

My head snapped up at the voice and I was met with those beautiful grey eyes.

Screw you Remus. I know what you're trying to do.

"Sirius," I said, staring at him in shock. I quickly started gathering my things ready to leave and get away from this awkward situation.

"Wait wait, don't leave," he said frantically whilst grabbing my wrists to stop me from getting my things together. I stared at him for a moment then slowly nodded, not wanting to be in this situation. He sat opposite me just staring, we stayed like this for a few minutes until he broke the tension.

"So..." He said awkwardly.

"So?" I said back.

"I'm sorry," he blurted out "I'm so fucking sorry for everything, I'm sorry for making you think that I wanted to get away from you, I'm sorry for being awful to you all these years, I'm sorry for hating you, I'm sorry for hitting you in Slughorns class but most of all I'm sorry for making you hate me," he said wholeheartedly while looking at me silently begging me to forgive him.

I gulped not knowing how to respond.

"You don't have to say anything, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness and probably never will but I miss you and I have been missing you deep down for 6 years now and I don't think I can take it anymore. I want my best friend back Rai," he said, still staring at me "Also I don't think your forehead has got bigger,"he added making me let out a breathy laugh as I remembered that day on the train.

I had no idea what to say, I knew he wanted to talk to me but I had no idea this is what he wanted to say but I'm glad he did because I miss my best friend too, but could I really forgive him that easily?

"I don't hate you," I said as I glanced up to him from looking at the floor.

"You don't?" he asked hopeful.

"No, I may think you're an arsehole but I don't hate you and deep down I know that I never did hate you I was just upset and angry and I...I miss you too, a lot actually," I said as I felt the weight fall off my shoulders.

"I'm also sorry for saying horrible things to you and throwing myself at you in Potions," I said laughing at the last part as he laughed with me.

That felt nice.

Toujours pur; Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now