8- Are you really Just friends?

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The morning came quickly as Sam stretched out his arms above his head only to remember that he went to sleep on the floor and gave the bed to Bucky. Sam slowly got up off the floor to see Bucky still sleeping, he looked Peaceful and calm which gave Sam the impression that he hadn't had a nightmare that night which was very good. It was today they would pay that 'Wilfred Nagel' A visit and found out what the hell is going on with the serum that he is recreating. They would be leaving early so in an hour or two, Sam gently sat on the bed beside Bucky and tapped him on the shoulder lightly earning a groan escape Bucky's lips.

"Get up" Sam spoke gripping the hem of the duvet to rip it off him. "Dam you Sam" Bucky responded sliding towards the edge of the bed in a groggy manner. "We are leaving in one hour so you better get your arse out of bed" Sam spoke as he watched Bucky carefully. "Yeah yeah" Bucky responded bringing his hand up to silence Sam. "You didn't have a nightmare?" Sam questioned grabbing a spare t shirt. "I didn't" Bucky spoke with a soft smile. "That's good" Sam responded as he gripped the edge of his t shirt to take it off.

As Sam eventually took of his shirt he caught Bucky taking a glance in his direction his eyes lingering at his abdomen for a split second. This caused Sam to let out a playful smirk at the fact he caught Bucky staring yet again. Bucky cleared his throat and spoke up as he started to get changed into a new shirt. "We paying that Bagel person a visit" He asked. Sam sniggered in response purely at the fact Bucky called his last name 'Bagel' "Buck his last name is Nagel, but yeah we are" Sam replied. "Whatever his name is, he's gonna get what's coming" Bucky spoke quite aggressively.

"You two took your time" Sharon complained as she rolled her eyes dramatically as the two boys excited the 'Hide out' "keep your hair on" Sam responded as they both got into a big SUV that Sharon had arranged to take them to where 'Nagel' was. "So" Zemo started enlacing his fingers together and taking a glance from Sam then back to Bucky. "How did you both sleep" He questioned with a hint of humour in his tone. "Fine" Bucky spoke up with an unamused expression. "I bet" Zemo replied taking a look out the window. Sam rolled his eyes at this comment because clearly Zemo thought there was something going on between them both which was completely untrue. They were just Friends. Right?

The ride towards the docks went quick and everybody soon arrived. There was large containers everywhere surrounding the docks. "Madripoor could give New York a run for its money." Sam spoke as he took a look around while following Sharon. "The longer you're in Madripoor, the less likely you're ever leaving" Sharon spoke talking about the bounty that got placed on their heads via the mobile ping. "Alright, he's in there." Sharon pointed towards a large red container. "I'll keep an eye out, while you guys talk to Nagel but hurry, we're on borrowed time." She explained giving each of them an ear piece to speak through.

Sam opened up the container but it seemed as if it was empty, he knitted his brows but entered with the other two trailing behind him. It was completely empty from what they could see. Zemo brought up a flashlight to shine around maybe to see if there was some secret doorway and in fact there was. It led towards some stairs which had some music playing in the distance.

"Dr. Nagel?" Sam questioned as he saw the dr turn around with an anxious look plastered on his face. "Who are you, what do you want" Nagel replied in a snappy tone. "We know you recreated the super soldier serum" Sam spoke aiming his gun towards the man who seemed eager for them to leave his lab.

The guy started walking away but stopped when he saw Bucky who looked pissed with his jaw clenched as he shot daggers at Nagel. Nagel turned the other way only to be stopped by Zemo. Sam explained how he should start talking but instead he offered a counter proposal, said they should make him a better offer and he'll talk, tell them exactly what they wanted to know.

Nagel told them how he made 20 vials of the super soldier serum but Karli stole them, which was not good at all. He didn't give away we're Karl was or anything else for that matter. Sam could see that both Zemo and Bucky were getting restless and fed up with him. Just as Sharon burst through the doors Zemo decided to shoot the guy in the head.

Sam and Bucky were clearly annoyed at this as they could of gotten some more information out of the guy but that doesn't matter now as he's dead. As they were all staring at what Zemo did, an unusual sound echoed from outside the container, the sound of something heading towards them.

Knowing exactly what the sound was, Bucky jumped into Sam dragging him down onto the floor and just as they both hit the ground the container exploded as a rocket was fired into it. Sam let out a loud groan as he was hit against a cabinet while Bucky was trying to get him out of the way. "Sam, you good?" Bucky spoke in a concerned tone as he studied Sams face for a split second, Bucky raised his hand and brought the pad of his thumb to Sams cheek wiping it quickly. "You got some soot" Bucky mumbled clearing the air about why he just did that strange action "Thanks Buck" He smiled "anyone see Zemo?" Sam shouted over the loud alarm that was blasting out. "Didn't see where he went but we need to get out of here" Bucky spoke loudly as he grabbed Sams arm pulling him upwards.

Sharon walked out in-front of them as Bucky placed his arm around the back of Sam to help him out of the rubble. "I owe you one Buck" Sam laughed. "You do" Bucky smirked as he tightened his grip around Sam.

They all escaped but Zemo was nowhere to be seen, a bunch of bad guys were heading their way but Sam raised his gun upwards and started firing back as he ran past Bucky. Sam hid behind a metal container as he shot bullet after Bullet at the men who were after them, Bucky got positioned next to Sam and crouched down. "You didn't wait for my signal" Bucky spoke loudly over the sound of bullet flying in every direction. "You were supposed to follow me" Sam replied in the same tone Bucky used. The two started bickering about how they both went the wrong way and who was supposed to follow who, but it really wasn't the time for a childish argument as they were still being targeted.

As Sam and Bucky fired some more shots, a loud explosion erupted in-front of them causing them all to exclaim very loudly as they were engulfed in smoke. Zemo jumped down wearing a purple mask that covered his face as he shot the two guys in-front of them killing them dead.

"Let's go" Sharon exclaimed running away from the rubble with Sam and Bucky following promptly behind her. They all ran down as small pathway past containers as more shots were being fired. "BUCK" Sam shouted as a guy neared behind him. Bucky soon got it covered by grabbing a metal pole from the outside of the container and shoving it through their torso.

As soon as they were sure everyone had gone they walked back out into the open. Bucky grabbed Sams shoulder squeezing it gently as he locked his eyes with Sams. Sam for a moment got lost in them blue orbs of his. Neither of them spoke for half a second until they got interrupted by Zemo who was sat in the front seat of a car blasting out some music. "You going to get in or stare at each other a bit longer" He spoke resting his hands onto the steering wheel casually.

"Your going back to jail" Sam announced pointing his finger at Zemo. "Do you want to find Karli or not?" Zemo spoke shrugging his shoulder slightly. "He's right, we need him, there's two of us and at least 20 of them, come on" Bucky responded as he separated from Sam and got into the front seat of the car. "Fine but if you try any of that shit again"Sam got cut off. "I wouldn't dream of it" Zemo replied.

Sharon didn't get in the vehicle, she just stood behind and watched Sam get into the seat. "Come back to the states with us" Sam asked Giving her a soft smile. "I can't, just get me that pardon you promised me." She exclaimed before striding off out of view.

Sam shook his head lightly as he eased into the seat, but got a displeased look on his face as he saw how far backwards Bucky's seat was. "You're not gonna move your seat up, are you?" Sam spoke unamused as he shot a glare into the back of Bucky's head. "No" Bucky replied with his face showing no emotion although a small playful smirk lightly tugged at the corners of his lips.

Sam let out a small scoff, this was revenge for the time years and years ago when Sam never moved his seat up and had Bucky squished in the backseat with the same unamused look that Sam has plastered on his face right at this very moment.
This feeling that Sam had been experiencing lately has grown ever so slightly since the past events, he didn't know what this was and what it meant, but and at this very moment he was questioning wether Bucky was just a friend or something else.

So I'm wondering, would you guys like me to write Fluff or Minimal Smut, when the time comes for that :))) Let me know xoxo

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