15 - You make me feel things i've Never felt

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His eyes where droopy as Sam stifled a yawn. He noticed that when he tried to move he was blocked by something or someone. Sam opened his eyes ever so slowly to find a peaceful Bucky laying face to face with his eyes closed breathing lightly. Both the boys were laid together ; Body's close. Sam couldn't help but smile to him self at the close contact. Bucky's arm was wrapped tightly around Sams waist so he was basically unable to move. The memories of last night flooded his brain, the way they slept together and how he ultimately held Bucky in his arms. It felt like a dream but it was all real. The night made everything more clear to Sam, everything that he is feeling it all makes sense.

He couldn't help himself, Sam picked up his free hand and traced the pad of his thumb across Bucky's cheek then running his hand through the beautiful locks displayed in-front of him. His breath got caught in his throat at the sound of Bucky letting out a small groan before opening his eyes and looking directly at Sam. Bucky smiled softly looking between Sams eyes. This was something out of a fantasy but this was real.

"Morning" Sam spoke still in a tired manner. "Hey" Bucky answered his voice raspy he shifted his eyes towards Sams bare chest in which his arms were wrapped across, his eyes widened before retreating his hands and fumbling with them before speaking up again.

"Sorry" He laughed shyly avoiding eye contact. Sam replied with a playful snicker rolling over onto his back looking up to the roof while he let out a sigh. "We have to get up Buck" He spoke closing his eyes briefly. "Yeah" He grumbled sitting up against the headboard of the bed dramatically swinging his head back in a hot breath. Both the boys wished they could stay like this forever.

"So you didn't mind sleeping with me Buck" Sam questioned genuinely curious as to what his response would be. "I didn't mind" Bucky replied. "You know Buck I thought you was old enough to be able to sleep by yourself" Sam joked in response gently nudging the side of Bucky. "Shut up Sam" Bucky suppressed a smirk shaking his head gently.

Sam was smiling hard to himself but knew it was best to get out of the bed before anything more happened. He made his way of the bed grabbing a spare towel on the railing near the wardrobe and swung it over his shoulder. "Where you off" Bucky spoke a little to loudly. Sam got the towel and shook it side to side signalling the place he was off to. Sam was thinking of making a snide comment about how if Bucky wanted to join in the shower then he was more than welcome but that could of gone wrong in some ways.

The shower ran down his back as a soothing cascade, it was hot and ample and a good place to think about stuff your mind wouldn't usually go to but here Sam was thinking about Bucky it was something he was new to but sure enough his mind went to him several times a day. He knew he felt different about him and eventually he would do something about it, but what is the question.

Wishing he could stay there all day in its watery cocoon Sam decided it was time to get out as the day was awaiting him.

"About dam time" Bucky scoffed as Sam entered the room, towel wrapped round his waist tightly. Sam rolled his eyes while signalling Bucky to turn around which he did.

Throwing a shirt over his head along with Boxers and some black jeans Sam was ready to face the day along side Bucky.

"John should be in this old warehouse I heard him talking about once" Sam spoke as the two headed out of the hotel room and down towards the reception area. "And what if he's not there Sam?" Bucky responded feeling the urge to smack John in the face. "He will be" Sam answered reassuring Bucky with a light pat on the shoulder. "You better be right" Bucky grunted. "Aren't I always" Sam laughed.

Sam handed the key to the woman on the desk "Thank you out stay was perfect" Sam spoke towards the woman politely. "I'm glad! I must say you two make a wonderful couple" The old woman grinned happily as she squeezed the key in a sort of excitement. "Oh" Sam raised his eyebrow taking a quick glance to him. "You think" He finally responded not fully sure on what to answer. "Of course" The woman replied still grinning. "Thanks" Sam laughed Cheesily not sure on why he didn't just correct the woman.

"What was that about" Bucky asked pushing Sam in the shoulder. "Nothing" He chuckled with a slight shake of the head. "Really" Bucky answered not believing fully. "It's this way and we should get suited up" Sam pointed down the street trying to divert the conversation.


"Walker..." Sam said as they both entered the big warehouse and saw him knelt down with his head resting directly onto the shield. "You should see a medic" He replied pacing back and fourth. "Stop. Walker" Sam spoke more sternly. "You know what I had to do, I killed him because I had to!" He shouted aggressively. "Don't go down that road, it doesn't end well" Bucky piped up half glaring at the man. "You gotta give me the shield, man" Sam asked sincerely just wanting the best for everyone. "You don't wanna do this" John replied through gritted teeth. "Yeah. We do" Bucky grunted richly.

Without thinking Bucky lunged into John smashing his metal arm against the shield. Sam got into the action but immediately got kicked in the stomach causing him to tumble hard backwards but wasted no time in getting straight back up the aid his partner. Bucky got put down onto the ground and John raised the shield high and was about to hit down but Sam stopped him just in time with gave relief to both the men.

As Sam and Bucky fought him, they couldn't help but noticed that something was different about John. He seemed stronger in ways and way more aggressive. If they didn't know better they would of thought John took the Serum but how would that work. Could he of taken it, that was racing through Sam's mind as they fought hard.

John let out a loud grunt sending the shield into Bucky causing him to fly across the room hitting his back on a machine of some sort. "BUCK" Sam yelled as he saw the scene unfold. Sam scrambled to hit feet quickly but his heart nearly stopped dead as he saw Bucky once again being propelled through the air at speed. A loud thump was heard as he body was hit against a metal pillar causing his body to slump onto the ground he was presumably knocked out cold.

Sam rushed over to Bucky placing his hands onto his back trying to wake him up but failed miserably. "Come on Buck" Sam's breath quickened as he was lifeless on the floor but still breathing which was a good sign. Sam was just about to try and move Bucky so he was out of the way but got stopped by a hand smacking right into his shoulder.

"This isn't you John" Sam tired to calm him down as they stood face to face. "We could've of been a team" He panted through a deep voice. John lunged as Sam battling him to the ground ; strangling him as he struggled for breath. "I am Captain America!" he growled as his hands were pressed into the crook of Sam's neck as he squirmed underneath him.

As the worst was about to happen Bucky unexpectedly jumped onto John grabbing the shield for dear life and sending multiple punches his way. As this was happening Sam was unable to move on the ground he was ultimately exhausted but out of the corner of his eye Bucky was breaking his arm. ripping the shield from his grasp causing a bloodcurdling scream to escape John's lips as his arm was broken and the bones crunched he fell onto the floor.

"Sam" Bucky spoke heading over to him kneeling down beside him running his hand over a cut that formed onto his cheek. "Buck" Sam managed to say as he struggled to keep his eyes open from the lack of energy. "Stay awake" Bucky came closer to Sam placing his hand in between Sam's clutching it close and gently rubbing the pad of his thumb over Sam's bloody knuckles. "We need to go" Sam grumbled taking all his strength to sit upright. Bucky placed his hand behind Sam's back steadying him. "Yeah" He agreed studying the cuts and bruises on his face.

"I'll be alright" Sam smiled. "I know" Bucky responded also with a smile grabbing Sam's hand and pulling it helping him up onto his feet. He wobbled slightly but was caught as Bucky wrapped his arms around him. "Careful" He warned basically cupping Sam's face in his hands. Sam looked between Bucky's eyes a glimmer of an familiar emotion rested in them. "Get the shield" Sam spoke nodding his head down to it laying on the floor.

Bucky picked up the shield wiping the blood of it with his sleeve. He didn't like to see the symbol of America covered in Blood it's not right, steve wouldn't of liked this he in-fact would of absolutely hated it.

Sam clung onto Bucky for support as he took him out of the warehouse. "First we see torres then back to the u.s" Sam told Bucky as they exited the building. "Yeah and I need to stop on the way back" Bucky added on. "Where" Asked Sam curious. "To see Zemo" Bucky replied. "I'll come" Sam answered. "I was hoping you would" Bucky smiled.

Everything that Sam once questioned about himself all came into place. It all made sense but he had to do something about it, he had to tell Bucky how he felt.

I would appreciate your opinions on this Chapter? :)) <333

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