Chapter 5 Truth Or Dare

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~Erin's P.O.V.~ 

Throughout breakfast I could feel Liam staring at me. I admit yeah sure I was starring a little bit too. I mean who wouldn't?!?!? Hes got chocolate brown puppy eyes, light sandy brown hair, nice toned body and a very nice as- "Hello?? Still with us??" Aliza waved her hand in front of my face. "Uhh yeah." As my face turned to a light shade of crimson. "Well I'm headed up to take a shower." I stated. "Alright see you later." Everyone chirped.

*Few Days Later*

I have noticed Liam and I have gotton close these past few days. Another thing I have taken note of is Zayn hasen't really been talking to me that much. We were talking and my parents have completely have abandoned me. The same thing with Aliza's parents. So I walked up to Zayn to try and figure out what his problem is. "Hey Zayn can I talk to you real quick?" "Uhh sure." "What's wrong? Did I do somehting?" "Well I actually have to talk to you about that. Well when Louis, Harry and I were walking home I had found a wallet. I opened it up and it said Erin Effenberger." "OK... So?" I nodded. "Well I saw the second drievers license said Erin Malik." "Alright, I am still not understanding what is wrong." "Um well.... that's my last name too. And to be honest I think we kinda look alike." "Well bloody hell I think I have a brother. Cool." "Well we will call my mom later." "Alright."

~Aliza's P.O.V.~

"HEY LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!" Louis shouted. "OK." I said.

(A/N: Bold will be the asker and plain wiill be who has to do it. LLN. I said do it.....)

Louis: Alright Aliza truth or dare?


Louis: I dare you to go get the whip cream and put it all over Niall's Face then lick off the whip cream on his nose.

Me: Err OK?? 

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the tub of whipped topping and walked back out by everybody. I opened it up and smeared it all over his face. He did turn a bit red in the process which I thought was kinda cute. Then I lightly kissed his nose to get the whipcream off. "SHE DID IT!!" Louis screeched. "Niall mate you might wanna go get that off its all over." Harry said motioning to his whole face. "Whatever he mumbled. Fucking tease." I turned a deep shade of red. 

~Erin's P.O.V.~

Aliza: Alright Erin Truth or Dare?

Me: Umm..... Dare.

Aliza: I dare you to give Liam a Lap Dance!

Me: ALIZA! WHY?!?!?!?!

Kiara: Dunno.

So I walked over to Liam and I did it. I Erin Marie Effenberger-Malik gave Liam James Payne a lap dance. Lets say it was a little awkward. Liam then got up and excuseed himself. "I'm gonna go grab a beer. Anybody need anything?" He questioned. "But Li you don't drink." Zayn stated cheekily. "Shut up Malik." He commanded. He then walked off. I went in after him he was at the fridge chugging a bottle of water. "Are you ok?" I questioned. "Um yeah..." "I am sorry about that.. lets just say my friends are a little on the perverted side." He chuckled slightly. "Well it's OK. Lets just say my pants are a little uncomfortable." "OH!!! Again soooo sorry."  "I think we better get back in there. Before they think were snogging." Liam said chuckling softly. "Yeah." I said.

We both walked back in and we all got looks. "Let's watch a film yeah?" I suggested. "YEAH LETS WATCH PARANORAMAL ACTIVITY!!!" Zayn yelled. "OK. Im up for it." I said.

We were in the same seats as last time. Aliza and Niall on one couch, Harry and Louis on another Liam and I on the loveseat and Zayn on the recliner.  THEY ARE SOOO CUTE TOGETHER!!! "Who is soo cute together?" Liam asked. "Oh just the old couple on TV." "I was thinking the same thing." He said. Liam looked down at me then said. "You know I like you." He said. "Yeah I like me too." I said. "I like like you. ;) If you get my drift." "Oh.." I said softly. "I'm sorry was it too soon?" He asked a bit worried. "Well I kinda like like you too." "Really?" He said. "Yeah." I blushed slightly. "Well then.." He said. "We'll talk later." Liam said. Trying to wink. He failed. He is so adorable.

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