Congratulations: You've Unlocked Hiro's Interlude!

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[Congratulations: You've Unlocked Hiro's Interlude!]

"For your homework, you will finish chapters 2-4 along with these worksheets. You should be done with it by the end of tomorrow." The teacher placed a hand under her chin, stroking it gently. "Well, you should be fine, even with all the other subjects."

"Um," I spoke, my eyes trailing to the ground. My hands on my laps curled in hesitation, gulping down the lump in my throat. "Can-can I go play?" My voice was like a measly noise. My toes didn't even touch the ground.

I wasn't surprised when I heard my teacher sigh. "You don't have time to play— do your work. And stop slouching." In that instant, my back straightened. I felt some of my hair strands stray up. I... I don't want to. But the gripping fear in me stopped me from talking back. It was then that I heard another sigh, softer this time. "...Look, ask your parents. I don't have permission for that."

My parents... My brows knitted together with a small bob of my head. If only—

If only.


Being in a well-off family, I... never got to go outside: not on my own will, I mean. I never got any privacy in my life— nor did I ever forget the feeling of isolation. Every single day, it was the same thing: study, study, study. Never did I have the chance to do something— anything I wanted.

And yet, I didn't say anything. I didn't refuse it. I... I never really knew the reason why. Maybe it was because of how my parents looked at me. They were smiling— not in the wrong way or whatever. Despite the obvious expectations, I saw genuine love for myself.

I didn't understand. Why? If you love me, why do I not feel satisfied? Why is this not enough?

Or maybe, I was scared of the going against their wishes. Like I had mistaken my love for them for fear. What would've happened if I disobeyed? That question clung to my mind like a vice parasite.

I didn't know. And I was too afraid of an answer.

- . .-. .-. .. ..-. .. . -..

It was around that age that my parents thought of an idea about sending me to a high school. Whether it was for preparing me for my future (whatever that was), or because they got sick of me being in the house all day— I was just, just so happy.

For the first time, I could actually do something by myself! Just the thought of experiencing something new, something that could maybe change my life excited me.

However, stepping out into the world and in its invisible walls, I realized it.

I was alone.

On the first day, everyone else was in their bubble. A bubble that I couldn't pop. No matter how much I looked, I was out of place— I didn't find a place to be. Is this how it is? I thought to myself. Is this what school was supposed to be?

"Hey~!" Snapping out of my thoughts, I turned my head around. A stranger, one with others accompanying them, waved their hand in my direction.

My brows furrowed, tilting my head at the side. Who are they...? My eyes glanced over, only to find no one else in my direction. I blinked, a burst of nervousness blooming in my body. Whipping my head back at them, who were walking my way, I pointed at myself— just to be sure. "Me...?"

The one who waved at me smiled, stepping close to me. I reeled back, taken away by her sudden closeness. "Who the fuck would I be waving to then?!" She sharply exclaimed, a hand on her hip. My nose scrunched, a new scent lingering in the air. It was ashy, and a bit bitter— but I didn't comment on it. "Of course I'm talking about you, dumbass!"

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