Chapter 9: Once More, Soul to Soul

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[Chapter 9: Once More, Soul to Soul]

I let out a sigh. "You don't have to be so nervous," I noted how Tae flinched as if he was dreading this moment. In his seat, he shuffled around, getting into a better position. At that moment, I smiled. A smile that was full of reassurance. "I'm not— okay, I am a bit disbelieved of what happened yesterday but," Tenderly, I took his free hand with my own, causing him to meet my gaze. "That's why I want to hear it from you. I want to know your story."

He took a sharp breath, eyes wavering. But then seconds after, he looked away, head hung low as his shoulders hunched. The dark-haired man curled his hands on his lap. "...are you sure?" I heard his quiet question.


"Even when that pers— after all that has happened?"

I let out a small giggle. "Yeah. I've decided to believe in you. In the person I got to know."

I should've done this from the start— I should've stayed there and waited for him. But, at least I'm doing this now.

And that, judging by his body language, was all it took.

With one swift glance at me, Tae-young opened his mouth, delving into his story. "I..." He took a deep breath, eyes darting to the table. I could understand— this was probably something that affected him a lot. "I did a bunch of terrible shit in this life. Robbery, underage drinking— I ended up hurting people!" Huh? I was surprised to hear that. Him? Someone that fussed over everything his siblings does? That one? Tae-young, with stress written on his face, combed a shaky hand through his hair. "And the worst thing: I didn't even know what I did was wrong."

I blinked, chin rested on top of my interlocked fingers. Didn't know? Now that was something that caught me. "Wanna elaborate on that?" I pressed on gently, keeping a calm voice. I didn't just want to stop there just yet. I then waved a hand in a dismissive way. "I need the full picture before I can make an opinion." I corrected, before he could draw any other conclusions.

The man fidgeted in his seat, frowning, but opened his mouth. "I... I was always homeschooled until around high school. I didn't know anyone and— and I ended up hanging out with people. People who took me when I didn't know what to do." That unnerving feeling of suspicion bubbled and at the mention of other people. "They ended up suggesting me to do things that I... ended up doing." He meant all those crimes, right? The dark-haired male looked up to me, dread and desperation in his eyes taking me back. "But— but I've been trying to redeem myself!"

"I can see that— and I can tell that you are trying." My head tilted to the side, pursuing my lips. What a way to word it, though. It's as if he had a choice— but I feel like that wasn't it. At least, it was harder than it seems. "Did they specifically say that they were bad?" My eyes narrowed as questioned further. Just something about this didn't feel right...

He stayed silent, eyes wavering. Wait. I realized it. He... Why is he hesitating on such a question? My back straightened, "They didn't, did they?" I guessed, well, it wasn't really a guess at this point.

That would make sense— I don't know the full details of his childhood but— why else would he blindly do all those things?

I saw the man gulp— whether it was out of fear or regret doesn't matter now. "Sure, they didn't but—" My teeth pressed together as he continued. Why are you trying to defend them?! "It should've been obvious, I'm just a—"

"No, that's the thing!" I stood up, a loud skid coming from my chair as I cut him off. The adult jumped but I was already pointing at him. "They specifically did not tell you! They made it seem like it was okay to do those things!" I let out a sigh as I sat back down, brows furrowing with annoyance.

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