Chapter 12: Once More, Smiles

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[Chapter 12: Once More, Smiles]

My eyes snapped open.

"Khisss...!" I gasped sharply, sitting straight up from my bed. Ah— ow! I quickly began to regret that as the whiplash caused a splitting headache to form. Reaching for my forehead, I couldn't help but groan. "Wh... what the hell happened...?" I barely processed mumbling groggily.

And then it hit me. The original world, Tae-young, Ashley, fear, relief, happiness, mom—

"Am I back?!" Scrambling off of my bed, I almost tripped over my covers as I ran to the bathroom. Roughly jostling with the doorknob, I practically threw the door open as I briskly stepped in.


Leaning against the unused sink, I could only stare at the familiar. I— with the familiar jet black hair and dark eyes— was back.

I was back in this world.

"Well, at least nothing changed in this body," I noted, twisting my body around. My lips pressed into a small line as I went on my tippy toes. Goodbye, those extra inches of height: I will miss you. "Oh, but," Pushing a hair strand back before placing a hand over my mouth, I tilted my head in thought. "Was that all a dream?"

No, it can't be. My brows furrowed in slight anger. Those feelings... I pressed my hand over my chest, leaning against the bathroom wall. Were real.

Ah. I blinked, my heart seeming to jump at a sudden thought. I...

I want to go there.

I couldn't help it— the urge. Before I knew it, I was already bolting out of the bathroom and hastily putting on my sandals. I didn't even process how I burst out of my apartment, cold sweat dripping down my face as I ran.

I— I need to go there!

To Shangri-La.


Ah, I ended up coming here. I thought, panting as I stared at the building in front of me. In pristine and welcoming colors, the early sun lights of dawn seemed to illuminate the cafe, really living up to its name.
I wiped off the sweat from my forehead. God... I really didn't think this through. I giggled, rubbing my arm sheepishly. "Haaah... of course he wouldn't be here."

Oh, wait. Blinking, I let out a low hum as I honed in my senses, detecting a familiar chakra source, heading my way. There he is. Sitting against the wall of the cafe, I glanced up at the sky. It was pretty cloudy, though I guess it's better than me waiting in the blaring sun.

Hurry up, Hiro... I pressed my knees to my chest, hanging my head low. God, I wonder if the three really did lose their memories. That would be kinda sad— though I know that it would be for the better.

How's Hinata-tan doing? Aah, it feels so long~! I need my weekly cuddles! Oh, and Hanabi-tan too! Honestly, most women nowadays are just— muah!

...I should visit Shisui, though, I bet he's happy about me. I... I finally got better with my emotional baggage, I think. I hope.

Ah, hope. I'm starting to like that word again.

Now... I just hope that Hiro would just hurry his ass up and—

"Megumi...!" Craning my head up, I let out a giggle as Hiro slouched in front of me.

I giggled as he fucking heaved with strangled breaths. "Took you long enough."

"That's...!" The Hyuuga panted, gasping for air before straightening his back. I noticed how his hair was tousled and messy with stray locks. He really rushed— didn't even have the time to take care of his hair. "It's... it's not my fault that... the compound is farther away!"

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