Taking Things Slow

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Could she really love a second time?

I've had this idea for so long.

- Hints of Steve x Peggy, as well as bits of reader x (former lover).

Word Count : 2328

Taking Things Slow

The cold air's embrace smoothened her as she stood outside on the balcony, gazing up at the star-riddled sky, wondering if somewhere up there, there was a twinkle that looked down at her with fondness.

"Is it wrong?" She asked out loud, asking the stars for an answer.

"Should I be feeling this way?" She added, staring up at the glimmering orbs as they decorated the night,

"Would you forgive me?" She then uttered, smiling with melancholy as she let her heart speak, wanting to hear an answer back.

Attentive to the night, and much more the memories that came forward, she didn't realize that there was someone else that couldn't sleep, having been intent to do just what she had, having his own questions in mind until he came across her.

She was quick to turn at the sound of her name, the breathy utter making her crash back down, because the man that now stared at her was the very one that made her feel all of the dreaded guilt,

"Steve," She said back, staring wide eyed at him, wondering just how they managed to always cross paths, even while she'd made it her mission to evade him at all costs.

"(F/n)," Steve said softly, stepping closer to her after the single utter of her name, doing so by moving slowly, almost like he was stepping over thin, cracking ice that would give in at any minute.

All the while, she looked at him with a wavering glare, her lips pressed together firmly, effectively stopping the bottom one from quivering as much as it wanted to, because she was sick and tired of crying, detesting how easy it was for her to break down, even after so long.

' You always find me.

you're always there...

so by now, you have to know.

You already know...don't you?

Haven't you had enough?' She mused with the same irksome pain.

"So..." She started in a breathy tone, miserably trying to steady herself, " What now?" she spoke quietly, sporting a crooked smile, forcibly drawing out a pretended, inconvincible expression of joy, because she didn't know what else to do.

she didn't know what to say, or even how to look at him anymore, and if that wasn't bad enough, she didn't know how to feel about him.

- And that was the part that struck her worse.

Within the confinement of her chest, there was something there for him, something that felt like it was gradually invading more space until it was the only thing there.

She knew there was something there, yet, she wasn't sure just what to do with it.

There was an anchor chained to her heart, and the guilt she felt caused her to stay put, not ascending any higher than she should, especially with him.

Because she couldn't have fallen in love... not a second time.

She didn't want to believe it, because she'd had her first love already. she had her first story and though it wasn't finished, she didn't want to open another book.

Steve Rogers X Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now