Fighting to Protect

792 11 0

Pre-Serum Steve

Word count : 1560

Flashbacks are in italics: Example

Thoughts are italics in Quotations: 'Example'

Fighting to Protect

Her (e/c) colored eyes snapped to the burly man, narrowed like a predator in stalk as she strutted forward,

"You..." she huffed lowly, the little clicking sound of her pumps soon replaced with little crackling crunches as she stepped over little shards of glass.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, huh?" she said with the same venom, the tightly clutched little purse in her hand thrown aside as she advanced forward with a squared-shoulder strut,

"Get off of him this instant!" She demanded.

However, she was only spared a quick side glance before he turned back to the smaller male, his right hand back on the same assault, dismissing her presence with that single motion.

'The nerve,' She thought aghast, appalled furthermore.

"Didn't you hear me!" she said with alarm laced in her voice, going as far as to grab his arm as it shot towards the blonde male.

It took all of her strength, but she managed to pry him off, forcing him off of the petite man with a heavy huff,

"Just get out of here, and leave him alone!" she said while shielding the abused gent, "Can't you see you won! It's over!" she said out loud, her arms outstretched at her sides, refusing to let the brute touch the bloodied guy any further.

She didn't like fights, she hated them.

She also didn't fancy bullies, in fact, she despised them and hated them with a violent fury. Moreover, she didn't particularly enjoy being so passionate, so loud and attention-grabbing, yet more times than often she found herself in the same position.

"Get out of the way, this is between me, and that little punk," He thundered, his deep, authoritative voice unwillingly causing the hairs on the back of her head to stand.

She'd seen it all happen, the events that lead them to where they stood now.

From what she'd observed the man standing before her had been rude to the elderly clerk, the smaller, frail lady visually shrinking as he barked at her about something (f/n) hadn't been able to catch at the moment as she'd just barley walked into the store.

The only reason he stopped was because of the blonde. He hadn't been one to bite his tongue and watch, instead calling him out, stepping forward to defend the senior.

Nothing physical had transpired within the establishment, which the (h/c) haired woman found to be a miracle, initially relieved it was left at just that.

That was, however, before she walked past the alleyway aside from the building, finding the one-sided fight with wide-horror filled (e/c) colored eyes.

"But you already got your point across!" she insisted, pleading him, all while standing stiffly still, not intent on budging. It was not long before she found herself face to chest with the livid man, her spit balled and forcibly traveling down her gullet as she kept her face stern.

"Move," He sneered, his hands still fisted, the discolored knuckles of his hands coated with red.

Her already rapidly palpitating heart fastened, the pace growing erratic,

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