Worth It

246 4 0

The reader is a little angsty / Former Hydra

same boat as Bucky basicallyfeel good stuff / Happy ending

Warning, it's quite long my bbys.

Word count: 3615

Worth It

It was still early morning, just seconds before the hour hand had just touched the roman numeral 10 on her watch's small oval face.

Simultaneously, the heavens cried with loud, roaring thunder, soon letting falling droplets rain down to the surface of the earth without any reluctance.

When she had felt the first splash of liquid caress the tip of her nose, she came to a standstill, not moving an inch from the stop she had stood at.

Stunned, she stayed motionless, slowly processing what had happened, because she hadn't really expected it.

"Rain..." She murmured almost dumbly, looking down at her upturned palms as they collected bits of water, the action performed subconsciously in response to the precipitation.

It was then that a placid smile slowly found its way over her features, the soft expression replacing the brooding one that had previously etched itself over her.

She'd been caught by the downpour just like the rest of the unsuspecting population, however, as the rest of the world chose to bolt, she stayed to enjoy it, allowing herself to become kissed by every tiny speck of precipitation the sky could offer her, all with widespread arms of welcome.

Feeling the water now cascade down her face in thin streams, she turned her head upwards to watch it all come down on her, the woman showered with cold splashes of affection without a single qualm.

The murky sky continued to echo with heavy clapping sounds, ringing throughout the area with a grand, booming voice that demanded to be heard.

It was a sound that some people would have found terrifying, more than likely bringing memories of childhood terrors, but in her case, it was just the contrary. A soothing comfort washed forth, the sound serving as an earthy lullaby that brought calmness to the (h/c) haired young woman, making her feel eased enough to unwind.

'It's chilly,' She thought to herself, finding peace in the sensation because the cold touch that graced her reminded her that she was alive.

It reminded her that she was awake and no longer viewing the world behind a foggy screen door.

The loud crashes and cold splashes reminded her of freedom and free will, no matter how chaotic and uncertain they were for everyone else.

Another clash soon echoed, and the heavy sound stayed ringing in her ears, making her body shiver with the boom.

She was well aware that she could simply walk away and seek refuge elsewhere.

After all, she had the will to do so. Yet, all the same, she also had the same liberty to stay.

"I chose to stay," she murmured, bathing beneath the grey skies.

'My hands... my very soul and body...' she thought with a small smile. 'They are all mine,' She mused.

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