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Summary: Jealousy is not something reserved for lovers. Tony is struggling with the idea of losing one of his best friends. All he knows is that Steve Rogers has turned her against him, stealing her away and he makes a final attempt to get her back.

Its a non- romantic relationship with the reader and w/ tony stark and a small touch of the reader w/ Steve. Cause hey, guys and gals can be best friends! I'm sorry if it seemed like anything aside from platonic      

Word count : 4746


His body swayed as he trudged forward, a bottle of strong whiskey in hand whilst his other dragged along the walls, supporting himself so he could keep his body staggering upwards. Had the structure not existed, he would have toppled over by now, and probably passed out then and there, lying the rest of the night on the sidewalk.

Forgotten, and left to join the scattered trash of the city...

He had dropped his phone a long time ago, but even so, he wouldn't care enough to go back and find it. Besides, It wasn't like he expected a call, not any time soon at least...

Because who actually gave a damn to check up on him? Who really cared about him that much?

Moreover, why would he go back for the thing? He could just buy another one.

In fact, he could buy anything he wanted...

"Just about everything, " He grumbled, knowing it wasn't entirely true. Because there were just certain things out there that were out-of-bounds and priceless.

Priceless like all the things which had been taken from him,

The echoing sound of joy, more specifically stifled laughter rang in his ears, momentarily stunning him. And though the sound was melodically playing, sounding on a tortuously endless loop, he knew well enough that if he turned to search for her, she'd be nowhere in sight.

Instead, he'd find nothing but darkness all around him which lay in wait.

Besides, he was certain she was somewhere else, somewhere out of his hold and reach and gradually drawing away from him further.

Just the thought alone made him tighten his hand around the bottle's neck, hoping to crush it to pieces, wanting to feel something besides the numbing feeling that had settled over his body.

Knocking on the door a fifth time, he was greeted with the sight of another man rather than the lovely (light/dark) eyed beauty he had been in search of.

And they stared at each other, both with looks of surprise settled over them as the unexpected visit occurred.

The tall blonde standing opposite of him had his blue eyes opened wide in startle as he had seen who had so furiously knocked on the apartment's entry door. As for Stark, the look of shock was very short-lived and had only lasted a fourth of a minute onto his tired face before a look of annoyance crossed over him instead.

"Of course," he muttered with an abrupt and foul stench-ridden belch.

'Of course, I'd find him here...' he thought with bitterness.

It was practically the cherry on top...

"Move aside pretty boy," he said gruffly, trying to shove the blonde, but failing miserably.

Before him the first avenger refused to move, blocking the drunken man access to the inside of her home, going as far as to put out his arm to hold the doorway, the limb serving as a security rope.

Steve Rogers X Reader Oneshots // DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now