Chapter 5

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   Y/N'S POV

  Once we were able to make it to higher ground, I put my hand on Flash's shoulder, saying,"Barry, I'm just going to go sit down over there. Just so you know."

  Flash nodded, and I walked a few feet away from the team. I dropped my shield and my sword, and then I just sat down on the ground as I closed my eyes. I couldn't do this, not now. The team needed me to be strong. Amazons were strong and compassionate. Amazons were-

  Someone lightly tapped my shoulder twice. I opened my eyes and then looked up to see Flash just standing there awkwardly.

  He asked me,"Um, are you okay?"

  I chuckled before I said,"That's a good question, Barry. A good question, but I'm not certain that the answer that I'll give you is the correct answer."

  Flash made a face, yet he asked me,"Can I sit down beside you?"

  I nodded, then I answered,"Of course. I'm just sitting down now, Barry."

  Flash smiled, yet he sat down beside me.

  I asked him,"What are they talking about over there?"

  Flash looked over at Batman, Gordon, and Aquaman. However, I noticed that Cyborg was still gone.

  Flash answered,"I don't know. I wasn't listening. Am I gonna get kicked off the team?"

  I shook my head before I answered,"No, I'll kick Batman's butt if he does that. Trust me, you're all right, Barry. I promise."

  Flash let out a sigh of relief, then he asked me,"What's wrong, Y/N?"

  I realized that I couldn't lie to Barry, so I admitted to him,"There are many things that I find to be wrong, at the moment, Barry. I think that the biggest thing is the fact that I'm losing Steve more every single day. Of course, the smile and the eyes remain the same, but the way that he understands things. The way that he responds to me, Barry, I just know that I must prepare myself for saying goodbye to him. I just don't think that I can say goodbye to him. I'm just not ready. I'm not ready, but I have to be. I thought that I had all the time in the world with him. I made sure that I had more time with him."

  Flash hugged me, and I hugged him back as I said,"Thank you, Barry. I really needed a hug."

  Flash stopped hugging me, but then he stood to his feet as he said,"You're welcome, Y/N. I don't know this Steve person, but he's lucky to have had you for however long that you two have had each other for. Look, Y/N. Losing people is a part of this life, and it's really hard to get through, but you'll get through it. No matter when you lose Steve, and you will lose him at some point, you'll have people in your life who will help you get your happiness back. You will."

  I looked up at him as I said,"Wow, Barry. I get the feeling that you're speaking from personal experience. Thank you, Barry. I'll think about everything that you've said to me."

  Flash held out his hand before he helped me stand on my feet again. 

  Aquaman walked over to us as he said,"Aww. You two are cute. I shed a few tears."

  I looked at Aquaman as I said,"It's good to see you again, Arthur."

  Aquaman smiled at me, but then he shook my hand as he said,"You, too, Y/N."

  I nodded to him before I turned to Batman, who was now standing behind me.

  Batman said,"You have to go."

  I rested my hand on his arm before I said,"I have to go. I'm not gonna ask how you know that, but it's something that I have to do."

  Aquaman pretended to wipe tears from his cheeks as he said,"We'll miss you, Y/N."

  I said,"I'll join you all soon."

  Flash said,"Please come back soon, Y/N!"

  I sent Flash a smile before I flew home.

  I walked inside the house before I yelled immediately,"STEVE!
  Steve yelled from the kitchen,"IN HERE, PRINCESS!"

  I walked into the kitchen, then I walked up behind Steve.

  Steve turned around to face me, but he smiled at me before he said,"Hey, you. You're back early. How did your mission go?"

  I asked him,"What mission?"

  Steve took my hands in his own as he answered,"The one where you had to... uh... see if there were any survivors after that bad fire, and you had to find out who was behind it. It was with your friend. What was his name? Bruce, Bruce Wayne! Yes! How did... it go?"

  I looked down at our hands as I answered,"Steve, it went well. We figured it out, and we were able to save the people that we could get to."

  I figured that it wouldn't have done him any good telling him that mission had actually happened eight months ago. I didn't want him to spend what could be his final days beating himself up over what was really my fault. I decided to keep Steve around and cheat time itself, but I couldn't beat myself up either.
  All I could do was make Steve feel loved and appreciated. All I could do was forgive myself for what I thought was my own mistake and move forward. I was capable of continuing to be strong. Maybe the more prepared I became to say goodbye to Steve, the more I'd accept letting him go.

  Or maybe it didn't work that way, but what choice did I have? It was all that I could think of right now.

  I felt Steve's hands on my face, and he asked me,"Y/N, are you all right?"

  I put my hands over Steve's hands as I answered,"I'm all right. How would you feel about spending the day out as a couple? Just you and me?"

  Steve hugged me as he answered,"I'd love that, Y/N. I would."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29 ⏰

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