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   Y/N'S POV

  "Bruce, you and Steve should stay here. Just in case the Amazons have a heart attack."

  Knowing Bruce, I knew he didn't want to leave me; especially, given that protective side of him showed up countless times as I have gotten the chance to know the man behind Bruce Thomas Wayne for some time. 

  Steve. Steve was trying real hard not to just grab me and make me stay.

  Steve said,"Why not? Y/N, I was here with D-"

  My smile faded because I knew exactly what Steve was about to say next. The last time Steve and I were here was when we got on the boat to first leave Themyscira.

  Steve noticed his mistake, and I got off the boat.

  Steve said,"It's all right. You're strong, remember? Just say what you have to say to your mother. You already kept it in this long, Y/N. You need to tell her before it consumes you. Okay?"

  I nodded and hugged Steve before he hugged me back.

  He said,"I love you."

  I smiled saying,"I love you, too. You, too, Batman."

  Bruce just smiled, and I let go of Steve rather slowly.
  I made my way towards the arena, where I saw Mother and the other senators talking to one another.

  One of the guards noticed me and bowed to me saying,"Princess Y/N, it's good to see you well."

  I smiled and bowed back to the guard before she got Mother's attention.
Mother turned and saw me, but tears formed in her eyes immediately.

  She smiled saying,"My beautiful daughter, you have grown. Come here."

  I rushed over to Mother and hugged her before she said,"I've missed you and your sister so much. Wait, where's Diana?"

  I softly said,"Mother, D..Diana's dead. She's gone."

  Mother chuckled, and I could tell she thought this was a joking matter. There were times when Diana and I were younger, where we would pretend as if one of us had been defeated and the other would rush to their aid. Unfortunately, I had failed to do so for Diana.

  Mother rested her hand on my cheek saying,"I see you two are still just as playful. Darling, really. Where is she?"

  I sighed saying,"Mother, she's really gone. Diana's not waiting to come out and surprise you, because she's not coming. She's not here. She's gone, because of me."

  Mother's eyes filled with tears, realizing I was being honest with her.
She rested her hand over her stomach, as if she could feel the pain in her abdomen.

  I said,"Mother, I-"

  Mother shook her head and held up her hand, snapping at me,"What happened, Y/N?!! It was your duty to protect her and that Steve Trevor!! I bet he's on our lands now, isn't he?"

  How would she know that?

  Mother began to walk out of the arena, while I rushed after her yelling,"MOTHER, I'M SORRY!! WE WERE UP AGAINST ARES, AND I WAS STUCK! HE WENT AFTER DIANA AND KILLED HER! Mother."

  Mother kept walking and yelled back at me,"IT DOESN'T MATTER, Y/N! YOU DIDN'T KEEP YOUR WORD, AND NOW YOUR SISTER IS GONE!! My dear Diana."

  Mother stopped walking, and yet, we were so close to the boat.

  I knew she could see Steve and Bruce, at this point, before she said to me,"I knew it was a mistake letting the two of you leave with that man."

  Mother walked up to the boat and glared at Steve, while Steve shifted uncomfortably.

  Mother then noticed Bruce and asked him,"Who might you be?"

  Bruce held out his hand saying,"Bruce Wayne. You must be Y/N's mother. It's nice to meet you."

  Mother just looked at Bruce's hand, and Bruce slipped his hand back into his pocket.

  Mother said,"I want the two of you off Themyscira now. I already lost one of my precious daughters. Now, I'm not going to lose another one."

  I looked at Mother confused before I realized what she meant.

  I said,"With all due respect, Mother, I can't stay here."



  Mother shook her head saying,"You've always been so easily distracted, Y/N. These men could be using you."

  I said,"Mother, I can't stay. I can't. Yes, I get distracted, but if it wasn't for men like Steve or Bruce, I wouldn't have been able to find out more about myself. I might not have been able to be so confident and accept myself for who I am."

  Mother got in my face saying,"Who you are is my daughter and that is all. NOT whatever these men have put in your head. You will stay here, and that is final. They don't need your help. I'm sure they can figure that out amongst themselves."

  I stood up for myself saying,"No, I'm more than just your daughter. I'm a fighter. I have people counting on me, and I can't let them down, so I'm making a choice for myself: I'm leaving."

  Steve said,"Baby."

  Mother looked at Steve confused but said,"If you're truly leaving with these men, then don't ever come back. I can't risk any one of our people getting hurt. Because of you."

  "If it were the other way around. If Diana had lived and I had died, would you say the same thing to her?"

  When Mother just looked at me, I knew her answer.

  I turned away from her and said,"I love you, too, Mother. It was nice seeing you again."

  I got back on the boat and sat down on the edge of the boat.
  I looked up towards the heavens and let my tears fall before I felt Steve's arms around me.

  I just accepted his comfort, and Steve said,"I'm proud of you for facing your mother. Aren't you glad you said what you needed to say?"

  I sniffed saying,"I..I don't know. Mother is clearly still doubtful of me. Steve, maybe I should have just-"

  Bruce said,"No. Don't finish that sentence, Y/N. What happened to Diana wasn't your fault. No, you shouldn't have taken her place. You're here for a reason, Y/N. Don't let anything change that. Get some rest. We have a league to unite, now that you did what you had to."

  I laid down, and Steve wrapped his arms around me. I held his hands, and it wasn't long before I fell asleep. I just hoped one day my mother could forgive me.

Wonder Woman x Sibling Reader: Becoming A Part of A Team (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now