Chapter 4

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   Y/N'S POV

  Once it was safe to exit, Batman jumped down onto the ground then I did the same. I turned around and waited for Cyborg and Flash. However, Batman kept walking.

  Cyborg said,"Thank you."

  I nodded to him saying,"You're welcome. Barry, we're just walking right now."

  Flash smiled at me and said,"Thanks for letting me know, Y/N."

  I said,"Any time, Barry. Any time."

  Batman said,"Y/N?"

  I walked up to Batman and said,"Yes, Batman?"

  Batman looked up and said,"Where are we, Alfred?"

  Alfred answered,"Braxton Island. You should be directly under the venting tower for the tunnel. Now look to your left, you should see a staircase."

  I looked to my left, and Alfred said,"It'll give you access to the machine room."
  I spotted the staircase and looked over at Batman. He walked first, and I motioned to Barry that we were following Batman. Barry just smiled and followed, while Victor just remained quiet and followed as well.
  Once we made it to the very top of the stairs, we walked out and stopped to see that the bridge wasn't a bridge any longer. I rested my hand on Batman's shoulder and looked down. Batman pulled me back immediately. 

  Cyborg said,"Define "access.""

  Batman said,"One at a time. The bridge may not..."

  Flash ran to the other side, and Batman finished his sentence by saying,"Hold."

  I jumped across, and I looked at Barry saying,"You went ahead of the group."

  Barry chuckled, and Batman found his way across.

  I patted his shoulder saying,"That's one way across, Batman."

  Batman moved his shoulder, and I smiled. Next, I made sure Cyborg made it across safely before I overheard voices.
  I moved closer and saw Steppenwolf. He was holding some poor man by his neck.

  I wanted to interfere, but I had to be smart about this.

  So, I waited and listened.

  Steppenwolf said to the man,"You've been near the Mother Box. Her scent is on you."

  The man said,"Please. We have families."

  Steppenwolf said,"Why does everyone keep telling me that?"

  I just happened to look over at Barry, well Flash, and he looked unwell.

  I stood to my feet and asked him,"Barry, are you all right?"

  He said to Batman,"Right. Okay. Yeah. Here's the thing. Um... See, I'm afraid of bugs and, um, guns, and obnoxiously tall people. And murder. And I can't be here. It's really cool you guys seem ready to do battle and stuff, but, full transparency, I've never done battle. I've just pushed some people and run away."

  Batman said,"Save one."

  Flash said,"What?"

  Batman said,"Save one person."

  Flash asked,"Uh... Which one?"

  Batman answered,"Don't talk, don't fight. Get in, get one out."

  Flash leaned closer and said,"And then?"

  Batman said,"You'll know."

  Flash said,"Okay."

  My eyes met Batman's, and I made a face at him. I knew him well, very well, and I knew he wanted to smile right now.
  I looked back, and Steppenwolf was getting impatient. He threw the man to the wall and grabbed someone else.

Wonder Woman x Sibling Reader: Becoming A Part of A Team (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now